- All our plans can be used completely FREE for 30 days without any usage restrictions.
- By using our software and services, you automatically accept our company’s Pricing Policy.
Purchase and Support:
- The purchase price includes upgrades and phone support, which exclusively covers resolving issues related to our software, for a period of 1 year.
- Το purchase our software, communication is initially conducted via email to ensure that all client decisions and preferences are properly documented. Following the written communication, a telephone discussion can take place for further clarifications. At the end of the call, the client will receive a confirmation email summarizing the points discussed, ensuring clarity and consistency in our collaboration.
- To continue receiving support from our staff, payment of the annual subscription fee is required for the provided services.
- If the customer purchases the software and subsequently stops paying the annual support fee, they will no longer receive updates, and the electronic services will cease to function, as an active subscription is required.
- If the customer wishes to discontinue the use of the purchased software, they must notify us via email so that we can proceed with the termination of the subscription. Alternatively, if the customer wishes to continue using the software without the additional services (such as myDATA, electronic invoicing provider, etc.), they may choose to cancel only the support for those specific services.
Rental and Support:
- The rental price (cloud or local) includes support, which exclusively covers resolving issues related to our software, as well as new versions.
- For the rental of our software, communication is initially conducted via email to ensure that all client decisions and preferences are properly documented. Following the written communication, a telephone discussion can take place for further clarifications. At the end of the call, the client will receive a confirmation email summarizing the points discussed, ensuring clarity and consistency in our collaboration.
- If our software has been purchased, it will not be locked even if the annual subscription is not paid, provided the customer informs us that they do not wish to receive future updates and remote support. The software will continue to function as is—no upgrades can be made—without any additional financial burden.
- If the customer wishes to discontinue using the software in a rental form, they must notify us via email so that we can proceed with its termination.
- If the customer expresses a desire to reuse the software under a cloud subscription, all previous subscriptions from the termination or discontinuation date must be paid in full before resuming use. If the software was under a local subscription, payment for the month needed by the customer to unlock the service is required.
Additional Licenses and Digital Signatures:
- For using the software on more than one computer, each additional license, under the same tax identification number (TIN) and address, costs 50% of the original value.
- Each license corresponds to a single use on one device. For simultaneous use of the software, renting multiple licenses is required.
- For simultaneous use by more than one user, an additional license is required, which costs 50% of the original value.
- Prepaid digital signature packages are valid for 2 years (annual packages are valid for 1 year).
Change of VAT / TIN and Owner:
- If the VAT / TIN and Owner need to be changed, the software must be repurchased, and installation work must be paid for anew. This applies only in cases of software repurchase.
- If the VAT / TIN and Owner need to be changed and the customer is renting the software, the rental continues under the existing subscription, and only the installation work needs to be paid for a new.
Subscriptions and Electronic Services:
- If the customer requests a software extension, the software will continue to function normally, but electronic services such as myDATA /Electronic Invoicing will not be available until the subscription is paid. Electronic services such as myDATA / Electronic Invoicing require an active user subscription to function properly.
Support, Charges, and Upgrades:
- The annual subscription for upgrades is optional and includes remote support exclusively for resolving issues related to our software, as well as the right to upgrade to all new versions of it.
- The annual subscription does not include configuration work.
- The annual upgrade subscription is optional but continuous. It cannot be renewed unless all previous dues are settled.
- Any support provided, whether via phone or email, that does not concern resolving issues related to our software, is billed according to the type of work and is carried out only after payment is received from the customer.
- After the completion and delivery of the bridge to the customer, any repairs required due to technical changes in the e-shop that led to the malfunction of the bridge will be charged as a new task.
- Support for external devices such as printers, cash registers, POS systems, and other devices is not included in either the annual or the monthly EMDI subscription, even if our technicians have been paid for the connection and initial setup.
- Errors occurring on POS terminal devices are not the responsibility of SBZ IKE. Any issue or error with the terminal’s software is the responsibility of the customer, who should contact the company from which the terminal was purchased so that the responsible technicians can identify and resolve the problem.
- The POS hosting subscription applies not only to users of our EMDI program who use the e-Invoicing Provider service but also to external partners who have integrated the e-Invoicing Provider service with their own ERP systems, etc. This subscription covers the technical support and maintenance of our servers, which are essential for the smooth operation of the Provider service and the POS terminals.
- The subscription for the second POS terminal is reduced by 50% only if it belongs to the same company as the first POS (e.g., ePAY & ePAY, VIVA & VIVA, etc.), has the same VAT number, and is located at the same address.
- If tasks have been requested by the customer and not paid for within the specified period, the software will be deactivated, and the customer will not have access to the software, technical support, or phone support until the debt is settled.
- If the client fails to settle the requested service payments within more than one month, technical support will be suspended, even if the subscription is still being paid.
- Our software is strictly an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Software, and therefore, SBZ IKE has no obligation to transfer or retrieve documents from myDATA, link them with records, or manage expenses. This pertains to accounting software and is not a standard function of our ERP software.
- If the customer does not settle the requested work, any future payment will be allocated to the outstanding amount.
- If a transfer fee is made due to a payment done in different banks, the payment must be settled in full for the software to function, as the payment is automatically considered incomplete.
Communication & Documentation:
- For any request related to our company’s services, the initial communication is conducted via email to ensure that all client decisions and preferences are accurately documented.
- To ensure clear, transparent, and accurate communication, all important tasks, project requirements, and critical decisions must be documented in writing via email. This policy is in place to avoid misunderstandings, ensure accountability, and provide a clear reference for all involved parties.
- All requests, approvals, project requirements, and major changes must be communicated via email.
- Any agreements, approvals, or requests made verbally or in meetings will not be considered valid unless they are officially documented via email.
- If a meeting takes place, a summary of key points and next steps must be sent via email by the meeting organizer or a designated attendee.
- Tasks will only be executed based on the written confirmation provided in emails.
- Any modifications to project specifications, pricing, or system settings must be submitted and approved via email before implementation.
- Requests without email confirmation will not be processed.
- Lack of written confirmation invalidates any claims regarding instructions or approvals.
- Any deviation from this policy may result in delays in project execution or misinterpretations, for which the company will not be held accountable.
- Failure to comply with this policy may result in non-fulfillment of requests until written documentation is provided.
- Our company does not sign any type of document (such as Non-Disclosure Agreements – NDA, contracts, or other agreements) with its clients, except for the necessary documents that clients are required to sign, such as those related to Provider Services, Offers, etc. The ELOT ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification proves that SBZ can ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information it manages, eliminating the need for additional confidentiality agreements.
- Our company does not issue invoices until the outstanding amount is fully paid.
- Our company is not responsible for the proper operation of external document transmission devices (tax mechanisms, cash registers, etc.). Any issues that arise with these devices are not caused by our software, and you should contact the appropriate manufacturing company or your responsible technician.
- Our company is not responsible for errors in intermediate drivers or disconnections of cash registers and/or tax mechanisms as SBZ is not the manufacturer of these drivers. It is the full responsibility of the customer/accountant to ensure that their tax data has been properly transmitted.
- The operation of eSent is not controlled by our staff unless requested; it is the full responsibility of the customer/accountant to ensure that their Z reports have been properly transmitted.
- This action is considered a billable task.
- Any issues arising from external factors, such as printers, cash registers, POS, and other devices, or from customer error, are not covered by the annual or monthly subscription. In such cases, a charge will be applied depending on the severity of the problem.
- POS support and hosting are not included in the EMDI’s annual or monthly subscription. These services require separate billing unless an all-in-one package has been offered.
- For any changes made to the e-shop bridges without informing SBZ, resulting in errors due to these changes, there will be a charge.
- The price of the e-shop and EMDI bridge pertains to the work and connection, not the purchase of the bridge.
- SBZ may deliver work within a timeframe ranging from 1 week to 6 months. When providing a time estimate to the customer, a specific delivery date is not necessarily set. Additionally, it must be taken into account that, due to potential errors or problems beyond SBZ’s control, such as technical difficulties or unforeseen events, there may be delays in the delivery of work.
- Backing up data (backup) in the local version of EMDI is the sole responsibility of the customer. Our company bears no responsibility for any data loss that may occur due to the lack or improper management of backups by the customer.
Additional Services:
- If the customer does not have the Cloud version and wishes to have access to or a second remote workstation for the software, third-party software is required, which is not manufactured by SBZ. This entails additional labor charges and/or the purchase of the software that the customer selects from the SBZ recommendations.
- If the external application encounters errors, performs its own updates, or stops functioning as it is beyond SBZ’s control, restoration and repair will be charged according to the required work.
Refund Policy:
- All subscriptions to our services are prepaid at registration or renewal and cover the corresponding subscription period. The customer agrees that the subscription amount is binding and payable upon registration or renewal.
- No refunds will be issued for any unused portion of the subscription. This means that if the customer does not use the service until the end of the subscription, the amount paid for the subscription will not be refunded or transferred.
- The customer may cancel their subscription at any time. However, cancellation will take effect from the next billing period, and no refunds will be issued for the current subscription period that has already been prepaid.
- Exceptions to the non-refund policy may be made only in exceptional cases and after evaluation and approval by our customer service team. These cases will be reviewed individually, and the decision will be at the company’s sole discretion.
- For any questions or issues related to the subscription and refund policy, please contact our customer service team. We will be happy to assist you with any needs you may have.
- Transfer fees are fully borne by the sender.
- In the case of a money transfer from a bank other than the ones listed, the fees for both the sending and receiving banks are exclusively the responsibility of the sender.
- When processing the transfer, please select the “OUR” option for covering the fees.
- If this option is not selected and our company incurs any charges, a corresponding invoice will be sent to you to cover the transfer costs.
- If you do not have an account with any of our banks, please make a deposit via Revolut or pay with a card.
Installments or rent is paid through a bank account and credit or debit card. If the current installment or subscription is not paid, the program locks automatically and is not functional. When paid, the program unlocks. Support and new versions are only included in the rental price. In case an extension is requested for the software, we are able to temporarily suspend it, but electronic services such as myDATA will not be accessible until the debt is settled.
Support and upgrades:
- The annual upgrade subscription is optional and includes remote support, which exclusively concerns the solution of our software issues, but also the right to upgrade to all its new versions. The annual subscription does not include customization tasks.
- The annual upgrade subscription is optional but has continuity. It is not possible to renew without paying the old ones.
Any support that is made by phone and does not concern the solution of our software issues, is costed according to the type of work and is carried out exclusively and only after the deposit of the money by the client.
Support During Business Hours:
- Call Center Availability (09:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday): Telephone support provided during business hours.
- Assistance with EMDI Business Management Software: Support for questions or issues related to the use of EMDI software.
- Training: Offering training for the correct usage of the software and its features.
- Necessary Upgrades: Includes essential upgrades and new software versions to maintain optimal functionality and security.
Support Out of working hours:
Τhe customer can choose prepaid remote work package (it does not include the new versions of the software).
- out of working hours (weekdays 18:00 to 21:00 and Saturday 9:00 to 21:00) € 240 / month for 4 hours of remote work with a minimum charge of 1 hour
- Even if the hours in the “after-hours” subscription are not utilized, the payment for them is non-refundable and cannot be transferred if the time frame for which the charge applies has expired.
- The cost of remote support is always determined upon request.
Indicative:- document form design € 60
- SQL report € 100
- connection of tax mechanism € 60
- cash register connection € 80
- inkjet printer installation € 15
- network printer installation € 30 per workstation
- label printer installation € 60
- network setup € 30 per workstation
- The annual subscription is mandatory when using online services such as shipping connection, e-shop, finding customer details via VAT, etc. If the customer does not wish to pay it, the corresponding services are disabled.
- The annual subscription is not refundable or set-off.
- The cost of the annual subscription is 20% of the acquisition market price – Does not affect monthly subscriptions.
- When a customer is not, financially aware – has not paid the subscriptions – and needs to switch to a new version there are 2 alternatives:
- payment of all annual subscriptions due
- payment of 75% of the latest version market price
For all of the above:
- The cost of installation, configuration and the design of one invoice form, based on customer’s requirements, is not included and the cost, for doing remotely, is € 60. EMDI has, printing templates, built in.
- For installation at the customer’s place the minimum charge is € 120 with a maximum duration of 2 hours. Each additional hour is charged with € 60.
- For installation at the customer’s site you must contact one of our partners.
- VAT not included where applied.
This pricing policy is valid from the date of publication and may be changed at any time without any prior notice.