Version 1.7 – January 2025
Table of contents
5.2.1 Provider’s Payment Signature
5.3.1 Other General Delivery Details
5.4.1 Activity Undertaking Declaration (POL 1177/2018, Article 27)
7.1 Technical and operational errors
8.8 Income Classification Category
8.9 Income Classification Type
8.10 Expenses Classification Category
8.11 Expenses Classification Type
8.19 Special Category of Document
10.3 Payment signature request
12.2 Document XML based on EN 16931-1:2017
13.1 POS – Cashier Systems Integration
1. Introduction
This document describes the above services and the technical specifications necessary to implement the relevant calls of the RESTAPI interface.
Specifically, for an enterprise using an information system that uses the relevant API, the features offered are:
- Send data for the documents it issues.
- Retrieve data of documents issued for it and submitted by the respective issuers to AADE.
The following technologies are used to establish a connection with the interface.
- HTTPS – Secure HTTP
- Web service
- REST API – REST interface required for data reporting process.
- XML – eXtensible Markup Language
The interface is accessible to any invoicing program capable of sending HTTP messages and creating schema- conformant XML, as specified in the present specification.
In addition to the relevant data, the software should be able to simultaneously and automatically send the necessary information to identify the user through the same HTTPS call.
2. Integration overview
- All XML files must be well-formed, adhere to the schema (XSD), and be encoded in UTF-8.
- Be secured using authentication described in next chapter.
Certification Process
- Create an account on the site and contact our technical department at to activate your trial account.
- Develop and test the APIs.
- Check and make sure you do not receive any errors. Testing for this API consists of self-tests conducted using your test account in a sandbox environment.
- Integration testing. When you are ready to test, contact the SBZ systems Integration Specialist assigned to your account for access to the guides and testing tools.
- When everything goes right then your setup is ready, and you will receive the production API- KEY and account details.
- You should authorize our company in TAXISNET. Follow the instructions found in the SBZ_User_Contract.pdf and SBZ_Provider_Request.pdf files.
After launch
- You must continue to adhere to our Terms and Conditions.
- You should monitor your API connection for any warning or errors.
- Report any warning or errors received in any response and how they have been resolved.
3. Authentication
Each call must contain the following headers in the form of pair-values, which is necessary for user identification. In case of incorrect information, the user will receive an error message.
The following headers are required:
Key |
Data Type |
Value |
Required |
Description |
String |
The API_KEY of your sandbox or production account |
Content-Type |
String |
application/xml; charset=utf-8 |
By identifying the user through the headers, the interface will also gain access to the VAT number the user had stated when registering, so that it would not be necessary to submit it in every call.
Please note each call to a new vat number must first authorized from our side.
4. API Services
4.1 SendInvoice
The call has the following characteristics:
- /sendInvoice (POST)
- Body in xml format containing the InvoicesDoc element, which contains one or more documents. The structure of the element InvoicesDoc is described by type AadeBookInvoiceType
Production environment
Sandbox environment
4.2 RequestTransmittedDocs
With this method you can retrieve documents that have been submitted to myData.
The retrieval is done via a HTTP call (GET). The method returns the documents that have the issuers VAT number of the specified parameter.
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
issuerVat |
xs:long |
Yes |
Entity VAT number |
invoiceMark |
xs:string |
No |
Document Mark |
issuedDate |
xs:string |
No |
Document issue Date |
issuedFrom |
xs:string |
No |
Document issue Date range from |
issuedTo |
xs:string |
No |
Document issue Date range to |
urlType |
xs:string |
No |
Returns a link to the document |
NextPageKey |
xs:string |
No |
Element for partial results retrieval If a nextPageKey is returned, then execute this url by the service to receive the next 100 results if exists |
Note: If the results exceed the maximum limit of 100, they are returned in increments.
- In case the search results exceed the maximum allowed size, the user will receive them in parts. The fields nextPartitionKey and nextRowKey will be included in each result partition and will be used as parameters in the call to get the next result partition
- If one of the above parameters has no value, the search is performed for all possible values of this field, as before
- In case only one of dateFrom, dateTo is received, the search will be performed only for the date given in the other parameter. If both parameters have a value, the search will be performed for the interval from dateFrom to dateTo.
- If a value is assigned to the maxMark parameter, any records with a MARK less than or equal to this value will be returned
- The values of the receiverVatNumber and invType parameters are always applied with the equal operator
- The invType parameter is given the value of the number corresponding to the specific type according to Table 8.1 of the Annex
Production environment{issuerVat}&action=production
Sandbox environment{issuerVat}&action=sandbox
4.3 PaymentSignature
The call has the following characteristics:
- /paymentsignature.php (POST)
- Main part in xml format containing the ERPpayment node, which contains a payment signature request for use with a POS card terminal.
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
issuerVat |
xs:long |
Yes |
Entity VAT number |
issueDate |
xs:date |
Yes |
Invoice issue date |
branch |
xs:int |
Yes |
Branch number |
invoiceType |
xs:string |
Yes |
Type of invoice. The possible values are described in the Appendix.
The documents 8.5, 11.4, 5.1, 5.2 send to the terminal a refund transaction. |
InitialTransaction |
xs:string |
No |
Mandatory only in case of refund |
series |
xs:string |
Yes |
Series of invoices. If no invoice series is issued, the field must have the value 0 |
aa |
xs:string |
Yes |
serial number of invoice. It must be unique per type of document 8.1 |
invoicemark |
xs:long |
No |
Unique Registration Number |
amount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Payment amount |
totalNetValue |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total net value |
totalVatAmount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total amount of VAT |
totalGrossValue |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total gross value |
terminalid |
xs:string |
Yes |
Payment instrument alias as defined in |
tipAmount |
xs:decimal |
No |
Tip value. If not defined enter 0 |
instalments |
xs:int |
No |
Number of installments. If not defined, enter 0 |
preload |
xs:int |
No |
Pre-loading transaction. Deploy the line with a value of 1 only when needed. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
SigningAuthor |
xs:long |
Electronic invoicing provider’s code |
Signature |
xs:date |
Payment Signature of the Electronic Document Issuance Service Provider |
Uid |
xs:int |
Invoice identifier |
Timestamp |
xs:int |
Time format Y-m-d\TH:i:s |
statusCode |
xs:string |
Result of call |
Comments |
xs:string |
Comments |
pos_transactionId |
xs:string |
Terminal transaction ID |
pos_answer |
xs:string |
Returned values are preloaded, success, failed |
pos_transactionText |
xs:string |
It is not returned by all terminals and is intended for informational purposes only. An additional unique number from a terminal, if exists. |
pos_TerminalID |
xs:string |
Terminal ID |
- The differentiation between simultaneous and heterochronous transactions lies in the use or not of SendPayments
- For heterochronous transactions SendPayments is used after first calling PaymentSignature
- For simultaneous transactions SendInvoice is used after first calling PaymentSignature
- The reference VAT number is sent via the entityVatNumber field
Production environment
Sandbox environment
4.4 SendPayments
The call is made when we need to issue a receipt or POS return receipt. It is sent to myDATA with SendPaymentsMethod and receives an invoiceMark which is returned on a successful call.
A call has the following characteristics:
- /sendpayments.php (POST)
- Headers as referred to in paragraph: 4.1.2
- Main part in xml format consisting of one or more PaymentMethodType elements. The type is described by the following diagram
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
issuerVat |
xs:long |
Yes |
Entity VAT number |
issueDate |
xs:date |
Yes |
Invoice issue date |
branch |
xs:int |
Yes |
Branch number |
invoiceType |
xs:string |
Yes |
Type of invoice. The possible values are described in the Appendix.
The documents 8.5, 11.4, 5.1, 5.2 send to the terminal a refund transaction. |
InitialTransaction |
xs:string |
No |
Mandatory only in case of refund |
series |
xs:string |
Yes |
Series of invoices. If no invoice series is issued, the field must have the value 0 |
aa |
xs:string |
Yes |
serial number of invoice. It must be unique per type of document 8.1 |
invoicemark |
xs:long |
No |
Unique Registration Number |
amount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Payment amount |
totalNetValue |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total net value |
totalVatAmount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total amount of VAT |
totalGrossValue |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total gross value |
terminalid |
xs:string |
Yes |
Payment instrument alias as defined in |
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
invoiceMark |
xs:long |
Yes |
Document Unique registration |
paymentMethodMark |
xs:long |
No |
Unique registration number of payment method |
entityVatNumber |
xs: string |
No |
VAT number of the Entity |
paymentMethodDetails |
PaymentMethodDetailType |
Yesι |
Payment Methods |
- The field paymentMethodMark is composed by the service
- The reference VAT number is sent via the entityVatNumber field,
- The PaymentMethodDetailType object is discussed in detail in paragraph 5.2
- When using the method, at least one PaymentMethodDetailType object per document must be of type POS
- The total amount per PaymentMethodDetailType object must be equal to the totalGrossValue of the document to which the invoiceMark refers.
Production environment .php?action=production
Sandbox environment .php?action=sandbox
5. InvoiceDoc description
This section describes in detail the contents of an invoice (type AadeBookInvoiceType). The structure of the element is as follows:
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
Valid values |
uid |
xs:string |
No |
Invoice identifier |
Length = 40 Filled in only by Provider |
mark |
xs:long |
No |
Unique Invoice Registration Number |
Filled in only by Provider. Unique Invoice Registration Number |
cancelledByMark |
xs:long |
No |
Unique Invoice Cancelation Number |
Filled in only by Provider |
authenticationCode |
xs:string |
No |
Authentication Code |
Filled in only by Provider |
issuer |
PartyType |
No |
Invoice issuer |
counterpart |
PartyType |
No |
Invoice counterpart |
invoiceHeader |
InvoiceHeaderType |
Yes |
Invoice header |
paymentMethods |
PaymentMethodDetailType |
No |
Payment Methods |
invoiceDetails |
InvoiceRowType |
Yes |
Invoice lines |
taxesTotals |
TaxesType |
No |
Total taxes |
Contains all taxes except VAT. If user uses this element, taxes will not exist in invoiceDetails |
invoiceSummary |
InvoiceSummaryType |
Yes |
Invoide Summary |
API_InvoiceDetails |
API_InvoiceDetailsType |
Yes |
Document details |
- Complex types PartyType, PaymentMethodDetailType, InvoiceHeaderType, InvoiceRowType, TaxTotalsType, InvoiceSummaryType and API_InvoiceDetailsType are described later in this section.
5.1 Entity details
The issuer and the counterpart are elements of type PartyType.
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
Valid values |
vatNumber |
xs:string |
Yes |
VAT number |
Any valid VAT number |
Country |
xs:string |
Yes |
Country code |
Country codes (ISO 3166) |
Branch |
xs:int |
Yes |
Branch number |
Min value = 0 If the branch is headquarters or doesn’t exist, the branch field must have a value of 0. |
Name |
xs:string |
No |
Name |
Address |
AddressType |
No |
Address |
documentIdNo |
xs:string |
No |
Official document number |
Max.100 chars Valid only in the case of a tax free document (specialInvoiceCategory = 4) |
supplyAccountNo |
xs:string |
No |
Electricity Supply Number |
Max.100 chars Valid only in the case of a fuel documents |
- For the issuer fields name and address are valid only in case the entity is not from Greece. For the counterpart field name must not be submitted if the entity is from Greece.
- The country code is two characters and comes from the respective country list of countries as described in ISO 3166.
- In case the issuer’s establishment is the headquarters or does not exist, the branch field must have the value 0
- For the publisher, the Name and Address details are not accepted in cases involving an entity within Greece (GR). For the receiver, the element Names are not accepted in the event that it concerns an entity within of Greece (GR)
- The official document number is only allowed in the case of transmission of documents belonging to the Special Category of Tax free Document (the field of the document header specialInvoiceCategory has the value 4), and can be any official identification document (eg number passport) of the recipient of the document.
- The Electricity Supply number is only allowed in the case of transmission of fuel documents (the field of the document heading fuelInvoice has the value true – only accepted for transmission by providers) and is information of the recipient of the document.
5.1.1 Address
The address of the issuer and the counterpart are elements of type AddressType.
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
street |
xs:string |
No |
Street |
number |
xs:string |
No |
Number |
postalCode |
xs:string |
Yes |
Postal code |
city |
xs:string |
Yes |
City |
5.2 Payment Method
Payment method is an element of type PaymentMethodDetailType.
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
Valid values |
type |
xs:int |
Yes |
Payment method |
Min value = 1 Max value= 9 Possible values of field type are described in the appendix |
Amount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 Field amount may refer to fraction of the invoice’s total value |
paymentMethodInfo |
xs:string |
No |
Information |
Field paymentMethodInfo contains additional information for the specified type |
transactionId |
xs:string |
Όχι |
Transaction number from POS terminal |
Passed on in the case of payments with type = 7 |
tid |
xs:string |
Όχι |
POS terminal TID |
Passed on in the case of payments with type = 7 |
- The values of the type field are described in a corresponding table in the appendix
- The amount field can correspond to a part of its total value document
- The Info field may contain additional information about the specific type (eg Bank Account No.)
- The transactionId field shall be transmitted in case of payments with type = 7
- The field ProvidersSignature is of type ProviderSignatureType, which type is described below, and is transmitted in case of payments with type = 7 and when the transmission is done through the provider channel
5.2.1 Provider’s Payment Signature
The ProvidersSignature field is an element of type ProviderSignatureType and its structure is described below:
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
SigningAuthor |
xs:string |
Yes |
Number of approval of the Electronic Invoicing Provider |
Signature |
xs:string |
Yes |
Sign |
5.3 Document header
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
Valid values |
series |
xs:string |
Yes |
Invoice series |
In case of non-issuance of series of an invoice, the
series field must have a value of 0 |
aa |
xs:string |
Yes |
Invoice’s serial number |
Maximum digits = 5 |
issueDate |
xs:date |
Yes |
Invoice’s issue date |
invoiceType |
xs:string |
Yes |
Invoice type |
The possible values are described in the Appendix |
vatPaymentSuspension |
xs:boolean |
No |
VAT payment suspension |
currency |
xs:string |
No |
Currency |
Currency code (ISO4217) |
exchangeRate |
xs:decimal |
No |
Exchange rate |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 5 The currency exchange rate against euro. It should be completed only when the currency is not EUR. |
correlatedInvoices |
xs:long |
No |
Correlated invoices |
The element is a list of strings containing the MARK of the associated invoices identifiers |
correlatedInvoicesLabel |
xs:string |
No |
Correlated invoices Names |
Required only when using correlatedInvoices. The element is a text field containing the Friendly Name of the associated invoices |
selfPricing |
xs:boolean |
No |
Self-billing indication |
Specifies if it is self-billing invoice |
dispatchDate |
xs:date |
No |
Dispatch date |
dispatchTime |
xs:time |
No |
Dispatch time |
vehicleNumber |
xs:string |
No |
Vehicle number |
movePurpose |
xs:int |
No |
Purpose of movement |
Min value = 1 Max value = 8 Values described in Appendix |
movePurposeLabel |
xs:string |
No |
Purpose of Movement Description |
fuelInvoice |
xs:boolean |
No |
Fuel document (indication) |
specialInvoiceCategory |
xs:int |
No |
Special Category of Document |
Min value = 1 Max value = 4 described in Table 8.19 |
isDeliveryNote |
xs:boolean |
No |
Delivery note indicator |
multipleConnectedMarks |
No |
Multiple connected Unique Invoice Registration Numbers |
tableAA |
Yes |
Table ID |
Acceptable only for document type 8.6 – Maximum permissible length 50 |
totalCancelDeliveryOrders |
xs:boolean |
No |
Total Cancellation Indicator of Delivery Notes |
Acceptable only for document type 8.6 |
- The exchangeRate field is the exchange rate of the currency in relation to the euro. Must be filled in only when the currency does not have a EUR value.
- The currency code is derived from the corresponding list according to the ISO4217 standard.
- The correlatedInvoices element is a list and contains the MARKs of the correlated documents
- In the case of no document series being issued, the series field must have the value 0
- The selfPricing field defines whether it is a Self-Pricing Invoice
- The possible values of the movePurpose and invoiceType fields are described in detail in the corresponding tables in the Appendix
- The field fuelInvoice defines whether it is a document of sale of liquid fuel and is allowed to be sent only in the case of providers.
- The possible values of the specialInvoiceCategory field are described in detail in the corresponding table in the Appendix
- The possible values of the invoiceVariationType field are described in detail in the corresponding table in the Appendix. Also details on how to use them from an operational point of view are described in the relevant operational document.
5.3.1 Other General Delivery Details
Πεδίο |
Τύπος |
Υποχρεωτικό |
Περιγραφή |
Αποδεκτές τιμές |
loadingAddress |
AddressType |
Yes |
Loading Address |
It is completed for documents that are delivery notes (e.g., 9.3) or invoices and delivery notes (isDeliveryNote = true) |
deliveryAddress |
AddressType |
Yes |
Delivery Address |
It is completed for documents that are delivery notes (e.g., 9.3) or invoices and delivery notes (isDeliveryNote = true) |
startShippingBranch |
xs:int |
No |
Dispatching Start Location (Issuer) |
It is completed for documents that are delivery notes (e.g., 9.3) or invoices and delivery notes (isDeliveryNote = true) |
completeShippingBranch |
xs:int |
No |
Receiving End Location (Recipient) |
It is completed for documents that are delivery notes (e.g., 9.3) or invoices and delivery notes (isDeliveryNote = true) |
- The field loadingAddress is of type AddressType, which type is elaborated in a previous corresponding paragraph (Entity Address)
- The field deliveryAddress is of type AddressType, which type is elaborated in a previous corresponding paragraph (Entity Address)
- The field startShippingBranch specifies the branch from which the circulation begins, in case the circulation starts from a branch (installation) of the issuer of the document, which is different from the issuer’s branch for the delivery note
- The field completeShippingBranch specifies the branch where the circulation will be completed, in case the circulation will be completed at a branch (installation) of the recipient of the document, which is different from the recipient’s branch for the delivery note
5.4 Document details
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
Valid values |
lineNumber |
xs:int |
Yes |
Line number |
Min value = 1 |
lineCode |
xs:string |
No |
Item code |
recType |
xs:string |
No |
Line Type |
Min value = 1 Max value = 6 |
fuelCode |
FuelCodes |
No |
Fuel Code |
Fuel Codes list Values described in Appendix |
quantity |
xs:decimal |
No |
Quantity |
Min value = 0 Default = 1 |
lineQuantity |
xs:decimal |
No |
Quantity only for use by the provider API if the quantity does not exist |
Min value = 0 Default = 1 |
classificationIdentifier |
xs:string |
For B2G only |
CPV code |
measurementUnit |
xs:int |
Yes |
Unit of quanity |
1,2,3 Values described in Appendix |
measurementUnitLabel |
xs:string |
Yes |
Required only when measurementUnit exists |
invoiceDetailType |
xs:int |
No |
Self-billing remark |
1,2 Values described in Appendix |
lineUnitPrice |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
The unit price |
totalNetPriceBeforeDiscount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total price of all (units x quantity) |
totalDiscountValue |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total Discount Value |
Min value = 0 |
netValue |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Net value |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
vatCategory |
xs:int |
Yes |
VAT category |
Min = 1, Max = 8 Values described in Appendix For cases where VAT is not applied, the vatCategory field will have the value of 8 |
vatCategoryPercent |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
VAT category Description (ex. 24.00) |
vatAmount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
VAT amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
vatExemptionCategory |
xs:int |
No |
VAT exemption category |
Min value = 1 Max value = 23 Values described in Appendix Required if the vatCategory indicates a 0% VAT rate |
vatExemptionCategoryLabel |
xs:string |
Yes* |
VAT exemption Description |
Required only when vatExemptionCategory exists |
dienergia |
ShipType |
No |
Article 27 of POL 1177/2018 |
discountOption |
xs:boolean |
No |
Discount option |
False / True |
withheldAmount |
xs:decimal |
No |
Withholding tax amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 Field is filled in when the corresponding tax exists (even if it is percentage) |
withheldPercentCategory |
xs:int |
No |
Withholding tax rate category |
Min value = 1 Max value = 12 Values described in Appendix |
stampDutyAmount |
xs: decimal |
No |
Stamp duty amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
stampDutyPercentCategory |
xs:int |
No |
Stamp duty rate category |
1, 2, 3 Values described in Appendix |
feesAmount |
xs:decimal |
No |
Fees amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 Field are filled in when the corresponding tax exists (even if it is percentage) |
feesPercentCategory |
xs:int |
No |
Fees rate category |
Min value = 1 Max value = 8 Values described in Appendix |
otherTaxesPercentCategory |
xs:int |
No |
Other taxes rate category |
Min value = 1 Max value = 9 Values described in Appendix |
otherTaxesAmount |
xs:decimal |
No |
Other taxes amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 Field are filled in when the corresponding tax exists (even if it is percentage) |
deductionsAmount |
xs:decimal |
No |
Deductions amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
lineDescription |
xs:string |
lineComments |
xs:string |
No |
Line comments |
Filled in by user and used for information purposes only |
incomeClassification |
IncomeClassificationType |
No |
Income classification |
expensesClassification |
ExpensesClassificationType |
No |
Expenses classification |
itemDescr |
xs:string |
No |
Item description |
Max 300 chars Acceptable only in the case of documents of the special tax free category |
- The possible values for the fields measurementUnit, invoiceDetailType, vatCategory, vatExemptionCategory, withheldPercentCategory, stampDutyPercentCategory, feesPercentCategory and otherTaxesPercentCategory are detailed in the respective tables in the Appendix
- The field vatExemptionCategory is necessary in the event that vatCategory indicates a 0% VAT rate category
- For cases of accounting entries where VAT is not applied, the vatCategory field will have the value 8
Line comments are filled in by the user and are used for information purposes to the service
- In the case of sending lines with recType = 2 (VAT fee line) and/or recType = 3 (Other Taxes line with VAT), it will be allowed at the same time, if desired, to send withholding/fees /other taxes/stamp/deductions and at document level and not necessarily per document summary line. In the cases of these lines, the amounts corresponding to VAT fees (recType = 2) or other taxes (recType =3 respectively, they will be sent to the field of the net value of the line (netValue), while the corresponding fields fee amount (feesAmount) or amount of other taxes (otherTaxesAmount) will not be filled. Also, other types of taxes/fees/retentions/stamps are not allowed to be sent on these lines (eg on a line with recType = 2 other taxes/deductions/withholding/stamp are not allowed on that line).
- Sending with recType = 7 (negative sign of values) is allowed only in the case of transmission of documents 17.3, 17.4, 17.5 and 17.6 and in this way it is indicated that the line values are negative (in the respective value fields the values are written in their absolute/positive values). It is noted that in the sums of the values in the Document Summary section (InvoiceSummaryType) the sums of the absolute values of the corresponding values of the lines will be transmitted regardless of whether there are lines that bear or not the indication recType = 7.
- The possible values for the fuelCode field are described in detail in the corresponding table in the Appendix. It is allowed to send it only in the case of providers and if it is a document Fuel (invoiceHeaderType.fuelInvoice = true). The value 999 is used in the event that in a document other than fuel there is the need for invoicing and other charges. Only one line with this code is allowed per document and the net value of that line should be less than or equal to the sum of the net value of the remaining fuel codes of the document.
5.4.1 Activity Undertaking Declaration (POL 1177/2018, Article 27)
Activity undertaking declaration is an element of type ShipType:
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
applicationId |
xs:string |
Yes |
Activity Undertaking Declaration Number |
applicationDate |
xs:date |
Yes |
Application date |
doy |
xs:string |
No |
Tax Return Filing DOY |
shipID |
xs:string |
Yes |
Ship details |
5.5 Taxes totals
Element TaxTotalsType which contains the total taxes has the following structure:
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
Valid Values |
taxType |
xs:byte |
Yes |
Type of tax |
1 = Withheld taxes 2 = Fees 3 = Other taxes 4 = Stamp duty 5 = Deductions |
taxCategory |
xs:byte |
Yes |
Tax category |
See tables 8.4 – 8.8 of appendix |
underlyingValue |
xs:decimal |
No |
Underlying value to which the tax refers |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
percentage |
xs:decimal |
For B2G only |
Deduction, withholding rate |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
reason |
xs:string |
For B2G only |
Deduction, withholding description |
taxAmount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Tax amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
Id |
xs:byte |
No |
Line number |
ReducesPayable |
xs:boolean |
No |
Reduces the Payable amount |
Default = False |
taxTypeLabel |
xs:string |
No |
Description of the service |
5.6 Document summary
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
Valid values |
totalNetValue |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total net value |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
totalVatAmount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total VAT amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
totalWithheldAmount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total withholding taxes amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
totalFeesAmount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total fees amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
totalStampDutyamount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total stamp duty amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
totalOtherTaxesAmount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total other taxes amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
totalDeductionsAmount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total deductions amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
totalGrossValue |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Total gross value |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
incomeClassification |
IncomeClassificationType |
No |
Income classification |
expensesClassification |
ExpensesClassificationType |
No |
Expenses classification |
- Elements incomeClassification and expensesClassification contain the sums of all combinations of fields classificationType and classificationCategory that exist in the details of the invoice.
- All tax summary fields contain the summary of corresponding taxes of the details of the invoice or in the taxesTotals element.
- totalGrossValue = totalNetValue + totalVatAmount + totalFeesAmount + totalStampDutyamount + totalOtherTaxesAmount – totalWithheldAmount
5.7 Income classification
Element IncomeClassificationType which contains the income classification has the following structure:
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
Valid values |
classificationType |
xs: string |
Yes |
Classification type |
Possible values of fields are described in the appendix |
classificationCategory |
xs: string |
Yes |
Classification category |
Possible values of fields are described in the appendix |
amount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
id |
xs:byte |
No |
Serial number of classification |
Used for serial numbering (1,2,3… etc.) of the classifications of a row |
- Due to sending documents through a Provider, it is not necessary to send a classification.
- The id field is used for serial numbering (1,2,3…etc) of the designations within a line
5.8 Expenses classification
Element ExpensesClassificationType which contains the income classification has the following structure:
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
Valid values |
ClassificationType |
xs: string |
Yes |
Classification type |
Possible values of fields are described in the appendix |
classificationCategory |
xs: string |
Yes |
Classification category |
Possible values of fields are described in the appendix |
amount |
xs:decimal |
Yes |
Amount |
Min value = 0 Decimal digits = 2 |
id |
xs:byte |
No |
Serial number of classification |
Used for serial numbering (1,2,3… etc.) of the classifications of a row |
- Due to sending documents through a Provider, it is not necessary to send a classification.
5.9 Details
The issuer and the counterpart are elements of type PartyType.
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
Valid values |
API_Issuer |
API_IssuerType |
Yes |
API_Issuer |
API_Counterpart |
API_CounterpartType |
Yes |
API_Counterpart |
API_Additionals |
API_AdditionalsType |
Yes |
API_Additionals |
5.9.1 Issuer
Element API_IssuerType which contains the following structure:
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Valid values |
IssuerName |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
IssuerProfession |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
IssuerTaxOffice |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
IssuerAddressStreet |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
IssuerAddressNumber |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
IssuerAddressPostalCode |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
IssuerAddressCity |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
IssuerAddressCountry |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
IssuerPhone |
xs: string |
No |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
IssuerFax |
xs: string |
No |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
IssuerEmail |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
IssuerWebSite |
xs: string |
No |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
IssuerRegistryNumber |
xs: string |
No |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
IssuerEmtyLine |
xs: string |
No |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
IssuerEmtyLine2 |
xs: string |
No |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
5.9.2 Counterpart
Element API_ConterpartType which contains the following structure:
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Valid values |
CounterpartCode |
xs: string |
No |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
CounterpartName |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
CounterpartVat |
xs: string |
No |
Used on demand only if invoiceType is 11.1 or 11.2 |
CounterpartProfession |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
CounterpartTaxOffice |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
CounterpartAddressStreet |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
CounterpartAddressNumber |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
CounterpartAddressPostalCode |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
CounterpartAddressCity |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
CounterpartAddressCountry |
xs: string |
No |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
CounterpartPhone |
xs: string |
No |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
CounterpartEmail |
xs: string |
No |
Invoice fields described in Appendix B |
5.9.3 Additionals
Element API_AdditionalsType which contains the following structure:
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Valid values |
DocumentLabel |
xs: string |
Yes |
Invoice type description, described in Appendix B |
DocumentComments |
xs: string |
No |
The comments of the invoice, described in Appendix B |
paymentMethodInvoiceLabel |
xs: string |
Yes |
The description of the payment type, described in Appendix B |
Logo_ID |
xs: string |
No |
Default ID = 1. Can be set on API Portal |
DispatchPlaceFrom |
xs: string |
No |
The dispatch origin place |
DispatchPlaceTo |
xs: string |
No |
The dispatch destination place |
DispatchMethod |
xs: string |
No |
Shipping method |
docTime |
xs: string |
No |
Time of issuance of document |
b2g |
xs:boolean |
For B2G only |
Yes, no on whether it concerns a document payable to the government |
buyerIdentifier |
xs: string |
For B2G only |
The contracting authority |
contractReference |
xs: string |
For B2G only |
Registry Online Authorisation Reference Number |
projectReference |
xs: string |
For B2G only |
Contract identifier |
6. Responses
6.1 Data submission
When the user uses a submission service (SendInvoices), he/she will receive a ResponseDoc object in xml format. The object contains a list of response elements, one for each entity submitted.
Field |
Type |
Description |
Index |
xs: int |
Entity’s line number inside the submitted xml |
invoiceUid |
xs: string |
Invoice identifier |
invoiceMark |
xs: long |
Unique Invoice Registration Number |
AuthenticationCode |
InvoiceUrl |
The url to get the invoice |
Errors |
ErrorType |
Errors list |
units |
xs: long |
Units available for use |
statusCode |
xs: string |
Status code |
- The type of response (success or failure) is determined by the value of the statusCode field.
- If successful, the statusCode field has value Success and the answer contains the corresponding values for the invoiceUid and invoiceMark fields for each entity submitted.
- In case of failure, the statusCode field has a value corresponding to the type of error, and the response includes a list of ErrorType error data for each entity that failed to submit. All errors by entity are in the same category that characterizes the response.
- Field invoiceUid is returned only when the submitted entity was invoice.
- Field classificationMark is returned only when the submitted entity was classification.
- The authenticationCode field returns if the submission was made through a provider
- The cancellationMark field returns only if the request was for cancellation of a document
- The invoiceMark field contains the mark of the submitted invoice in case of submitted invoices and the mark of the invoice to which the submitted markings related, in case of submitted markings
- The qrUrl field returns only on submissions of document types 1.1 to 11.5
6.2 Data retrieval
When the user calls a data request service (RequestTransmittedDocs), he/she will receive a RequestedDoc object in xml format. The object will include the list of requested invoices for the issueerVatNumber given as parameter, as well as the continuationToken element (in cases where data exceeds the permissible limit and is retrieved partially).
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
nextPageKey |
nextPageKey |
No |
Element for partial results retrieval If a nextPageKey is returned, then execute this url by the service to receive the next results |
counterpartVatNumber |
Yes |
InvoiceMark |
Yes |
invoiceUid |
AadeBookInvoiceType |
Yes |
invoiceAuthenticationCode |
CancelledInvoiceType |
Yes |
invoiceBranchCode |
xs:long |
Yes |
invoiceType |
xs:long |
Yes |
invoiceSeries |
xs:date |
Yes |
incomeAa |
InvoiceIncomeClassificationType |
Yes |
invoiceDateIssued |
InvoiceExpensesClassificationType |
Yes |
invoiceTotalNetValue |
xs:string |
Yes |
invoiceTotalVatValue |
xs:string |
Yes |
invoiceTotalGrossValue |
xs:string |
Yes |
invoiceUrl |
xs:string |
Yes |
Pdf or xml document |
- In case the continuationToken element is returned the nextPartitionKey and nextRowKey fields will be filled by the service and will be used in the next call of the same method called by the user
- The types AadeBookInvoiceType, InvoiceIncomeClassificationType,
- InvoiceExpensesClassificationType and PaymentMethodType are described in previous paragraphs
7. Errors
Every error element that concerns an entity consists of a message describing the error and an error code.
Field |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
message |
xs: string |
Yes |
Error message |
code |
xs: string |
Yes |
Error code |
7.1 Technical and operational errors
# |
HTTP Response |
statusCode |
Code |
Description |
1 |
HTTP 200 OK |
XMLSyntaxError |
101 |
XML Syntax Validation Error |
2 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
102 |
Vat number {vatNumber} does not belong to active corporation |
3 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
103 |
Please pass mark in the request parameters |
4 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
104 |
Requested Invoice was not found |
3 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
201 |
Author VAT number is not the same with User VAT number |
5 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
202 |
Invalid Receiver VAT number |
6 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
203 |
Gross Value doesn’t match with sum of net value plus taxes |
7 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
204 |
{Field} is mandatory for this invoice type |
8 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
205 |
{Field} is forbidden for this invoice type |
9 |
HTTP 200 OK |
TechnicalError |
206 |
Unexpected technical error for invoice line |
10 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
207 |
The sum of net values of the invoice lines doesn’t match with total net value of the invoice |
11 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
208 |
The sum of gross values of the invoice lines doesn’t match with total gross value of the invoice |
12 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
209 |
The sum of vat amount of the invoice lines doesn’t match with total vat amount of the invoice |
13 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
210 |
The sum of withheld amount of the invoice lines doesn’t match with total withheld amount of the invoice |
14 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
211 |
Exchange Rate must be greater than 0 when the currency is not Euro |
15 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
212 |
AA element must be number (positive) for issuer from Greece |
16 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
213 |
{Field} must have value 0 for this invoice type |
17 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
214 |
Element {Element} must be sent only if it is true |
18 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
215 |
Vat category must have value 8 for this invoice type |
19 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
216 |
Vat category must have value other than 8 for this invoice type |
20 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
217 |
When vatCategory has value 7, element vatExemptionCategory is mandatory |
21 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
218 |
Vat Amount must have value 0 for this invoice type |
22 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
219 |
Issuer Name is forbidden for Issuer from Greece |
23 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
220 |
Counterpart Name is forbidden for Counterpart from Greece |
24 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
221 |
{Field} is forbidden for the lines that have invoiceDetailType = 2 for this invoice type |
25 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
222 |
{Field} must have value greater than 0 for this invoice |
type |
26 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
223 |
Unsupported invoice type |
27 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
224 |
Taxes are allowed either per invoice line or per invoice (not in both) |
28 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
225 |
{Field} must exist (cannot be null) since the {Field} is not null (invoice line {lineNumber}) |
29 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
226 |
The sum of {field} amount of the invoice {section} doesn’t match with total {field} amount of the invoice |
30 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
227 |
{Field1} cannot exist (must be null) since the {Field1} is null (invoice line : {lineNumber}) [ Possible {Field1, Field2} values: {‘feesAmount’, feesPercentCategory’}, {‘stampDutyAmount, ‘stampDutyPercentCategory’}, {‘withheldAmount’, ‘withheldPercentCategory’}] |
31 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
228 |
{Field} is invalid [Possible {Field} values: {UID, InvoiceType} |
32 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
229 |
{Field1} is not correct according to the given: {Field2} (invoice line: {lineNumber}) [ Possible {Field1, Field2} values: {‘feesAmount’, feesPercentCategory’}, {‘stampDutyAmount, ‘stampDutyPercentCategory’}, {‘withheldAmount’, ‘withheldPercentCategory’}] |
33 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
230 |
{Field} is mandatory for invoice detail (number} [Possible {Field} values: {E3 classifications, VAT classifications} |
34 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
231 |
{Field} is forbidden for invoice detail (number} [Possible {Field} values: {E3 classifications, VAT classifications} |
35 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
233 |
UID: ” + {uid} + ” has already been sent |
36 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
234 |
The values 7 or 8 are not allowed for Vat Category for this invoice type |
37 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
235 |
Issuer must be different from counterpart |
38 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
236 |
The Sender (vatnumber): ” + {afm} + ” must be different from the issuer (vatnumber) |
39 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
237 |
Underlying Value(s) of taxes cannot be greater than the total net value of invoice |
40 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
239 |
Taxamount(s) of taxes cannot be greater than the total net value of invoice |
41 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
240 |
240/ValidationError -Taxamount {Taxamount } of taxline: {A/A} cannot be greater than the corresponding underlying value |
42 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
241 |
241/ValidationError -{Field1} cannot be greater than the corresponding invoiceline net value (invoice line: + {linenumber} ) [ Possible {Field1} values: {‘feesAmount’, ‘otherTaxesPercentAmount’, ‘stampDutyAmount, ‘withheldAmount’}] |
43 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
242 |
242/ValidationError – {Field} ‘s country for this invoice type must be Greece [Possible {Field} values: {Issuer, Counterpart} |
44 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
243 |
243/ValidationError – {Field} ‘s country for this invoice type must be in Europe but not Greece [Possible {Field} values: {Issuer, Counterpart} |
45 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
244 |
244/ValidationError – {Field} ‘s country for this invoice type must not be in EU [Possible {Field} values: {Issuer, Counterpart} |
46 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
245 |
Provider is not authorised to issue Invoices for: {vatNumber} |
47 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
246 |
Invoice of type 1.5 must have at least one line with detailtype = 1 and one with detail type=2 |
48 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
247 |
Invoice line: {lineNumber}. {Field} is forbidden. [Possible {Field} values: {recType=1, recType=4, recType=5} |
49 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
248 |
Invoice with MARK {mark} cannot be cancelled because was not posted by VAT number {vat} |
50 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
249 |
Invoice with MARK {mark} cannot be cancelled because of being posted by provider |
51 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
250 |
Invoice with MARK {mark} cannot be cancelled because of being posted by myDATA Invoicing |
52 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
251 |
Invoice with MARK {mark} cannot be cancelled because of being already cancelled |
53 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
252 |
Record with MARK {mark} is not a valid Invoice |
54 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
254 |
TaxLine (TaxTotals) : + {taxlinenumber} . {field + fieldData} is forbidden |
55 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
301 |
Invoices with mark requested not found |
56 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
302 |
Duplicate classification line number {lineNumber} |
57 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
303 |
Line number {lineNumber} not found in invoice with MARK {mark} |
58 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
304 |
All invoice rows or none should have classifications included |
59 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
305 |
Invoice line: {lineNumber}. Duplicate classification type {classificationType} and category{classificationCategory} |
60 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
306 |
Invoice line: {lineNumber}. Sum of classifications are not equal to line’s net value |
61 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
307 |
Classification type {classificationType} is forbidden for Classification category {classificationCategory} |
62 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
308 |
Classification category {classificationCategory} is forbidden for Invoice type {classificationType} |
63 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
309 |
Classifications are forbidden for Invoice type {invoiceType} |
64 |
HTTP 200 OK |
TechnicalError |
310 |
All classifications of invoice or none should have category value category2_4 |
65 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
311 |
Classification with type {classificationType} and category ” {classificationCategory} not found in invoice summary |
66 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
312 |
Sum of classifications with type {classificationType} and category {classificationCategory} not matching with related total in invoice summary |
67 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
313 |
Classification type {classificationType} is forbidden for Classification category {classificationCategory} combined with invoice type {invoiceType} |
68 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
314 |
All invoices should contain either income or expenses classifications section, not both or none |
69 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
315 |
VAT classifications have no category |
70 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
316 |
VAT classifications are not allowed in case of VAT exemption |
71 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
317 |
Invoice detail { lineNumber } : VAT classification must be of type 366 in case vatExemptionCategory = 16 |
72 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
318 |
Element {Field} must have same value with correlated’s one |
73 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
319 |
Net value of correlated invoice already exceeded by sum of net values of invoices correlated to it |
74 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
320 |
Invalid correlated invoice type |
75 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
321 |
Classifications are not allowed only in the invoice summary |
76 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
322 |
Unsupported correlated invoice type |
77 |
HTTP 200 OK |
ValidationError |
323 |
User cannot use directly this service due to annual gross income limits |
78 |
HTTP 200 OK |
TechnicalError |
330 |
Unexpected technical error for classification line |
79 |
HTTP 401 |
AuthError |
5001 |
API_KEY header is missing |
80 |
HTTP 401 |
AuthError |
5002 |
The issuer VatNumber is not associated with your Subscription |
81 |
HTTP 404 |
XMLSyntaxError |
5004 |
Invalid. Resource not found |
82 |
HTTP 401 |
AuthError |
5005 |
API_KEY header is missing |
83 |
HTTP 401 |
AuthError |
5006 |
The issuer VatNumber is not associated with your Subscription |
84 |
HTTP 400 |
XMLException |
5008 |
General Exception Error |
85 |
HTTP 401 |
XMLSyntaxError |
6001 |
correlatedInvoicesLabel is mandatory |
86 |
HTTP 401 |
XMLSyntaxError |
6002 |
movePurposeLabel is mandatory |
87 |
HTTP 401 |
XMLSyntaxError |
6003 |
Field quantity cannot be less than 1 |
88 |
HTTP 401 |
XMLSyntaxError |
6004 |
MeasurementUnitLabel is mandatory |
89 |
HTTP 401 |
XMLSyntaxError |
6005 |
Check XML syntax! Required fields |
90 |
HTTP 401 |
XMLSyntaxError |
6006 |
vatExemptionCategory is mandatory |
91 |
HTTP 401 |
XMLSyntaxError |
6007 |
vatExemptionCategory must be not set |
92 |
HTTP 401 |
XMLSyntaxError |
6008 |
Check XML syntax! Required fields |
93 |
HTTP 401 |
XMLSyntaxError |
6009 |
Check XML syntax! Required fields |
94 |
HTTP 401 |
XMLSyntaxError |
6010 |
Fields DocumentLabel, paymentMethodΙnvoiceLabel are mandatory |
95 |
HTTP 405 |
ValidationError |
6030 |
NextPageKey not valid |
96 |
HTTP 405 |
ValidationError |
6031 |
issuerVat field is required! |
97 |
HTTP 405 |
ValidationError |
6032 |
InvoiceMark is not a valid Int64 value |
98 |
HTTP 405 |
ValidationError |
6033 |
issuedDate is not a valid Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
99 |
HTTP 405 |
ValidationError |
6034 |
issuedDate is not a valid Date |
100 |
HTTP 405 |
ValidationError |
6035 |
issuedFrom is not a valid Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
101 |
HTTP 405 |
ValidationError |
6036 |
issuedFrom is not a valid Date |
102 |
HTTP 405 |
ValidationError |
6037 |
issuedTo is not a valid Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
103 |
HTTP 405 |
ValidationError |
6038 |
issuedTo is not a valid Date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
104 |
HTTP 405 |
ValidationError |
6039 |
urlType accepted values are “url” or “source” |
105 |
HTTP 405 |
ValidationError |
6040 |
Combinations of date parameters are not valid.
106 |
HTTP 200 OK |
BalanceError |
7001 |
Your available balance is not enough to send this document. Please refresh your balance |
107 |
HTTP 200 OK |
TechnicalError |
7002 |
No response from AADE transmissionFailure=2 |
108 |
HTTP 200 OK |
TechnicalError |
– |
Unexpected condition error |
8. Appendix A
8.1 Document type
Domestic/Foreign Issuer Mirrored Accounting Source Documents |
Code |
Description |
Sales Invoice |
1.1 |
Sales Invoice |
1.2 |
Sales Invoice/Intra-community Supplies |
1.3 |
Sales Invoice/Third Country Supplies |
1.4 |
Sales Invoice/Sale on Behalf of Third Parties |
1.5 |
Sales Invoice/Clearance of Sales on Behalf of Third Parties – Fees from Sales on Behalf of Third Parties |
1.6 |
Sales Invoice/Supplemental Accounting Source Document |
Service Rendered Invoice |
2.1 |
Service Rendered Invoice |
2.2 |
Intra-community Service Rendered Invoice |
2.3 |
Third Country Service Rendered Invoice |
2.4 |
Service Rendered Invoice/Supplemental Accounting Source Document |
Proof of Expenditure |
3.1 |
Proof of Expenditure (non-liable Issuer) |
3.2 |
Proof of Expenditure (denial of issuance by liable Issuer) |
For future use |
4 |
Credit Invoice |
5.1 |
Credit Invoice/Associated |
5.2 |
Credit Invoice/Non-Associated |
Invoice for Self-Delivery and Self- Supply |
6.1 |
Self-Delivery Record |
6.2 |
Self-Supply Record |
Contract – Income |
7.1 |
Contract – Income |
Special Record (Income) – Collection/Payment Receipt |
8.1 |
Rents – Income |
8.2 |
Special Record – Accommodation Tax Collection/Payment Receipt |
8.4 |
POS Receipt |
8.5 |
POS Return receipt |
Order form |
8.6 |
Catering Order Form |
Movement document |
9.3 |
Dispatch Note |
Domestic/Foreign Recipient Non- Mirrored Accounting Source Documents |
Code |
Description |
Retail Accounting Source Documents |
11.1 |
Retail Sales Receipt |
11.2 |
Service Rendered Receipt |
11.3 |
Simplified Invoice |
11.4 |
Retail Sales Credit Note |
11.5 |
Retail Sales Receipt on Behalf of Third Parties |
8.2 VAT category
1 |
VAT rate 24% |
24% |
2 |
VAT rate 13% |
13% |
3 |
VAT rate 6% |
6% |
4 |
VAT rate 17% |
17% |
5 |
VAT rate 9% |
9% |
6 |
VAT rate 4% |
4% |
7 |
Without VAT |
0% |
8 |
Records without VAT (e.g. Payroll, Amortisations) |
– |
9 |
VAT rate 3% |
3% |
10 |
VAT rate 4% |
4% |
8.3 VAT Exemption Cause
Code |
Description |
Code |
Description |
1 |
Without VAT – article 2 and 3 of the VAT code |
17 |
Without VAT – article 40 of the VAT code |
2 |
Without VAT – article 5 of the VAT code |
18 |
Without VAT – article 41 of the VAT code |
3 |
Without VAT – article 13 of the VAT code |
19 |
Without VAT – article 47 of the VAT code |
4 |
Without VAT – article 14 of the VAT code |
20 |
VAT included – article 43 of the VAT code |
5 |
Without VAT – article 16 of the VAT code |
21 |
VAT included – article 44 of the VAT code |
6 |
Without VAT – article 19 of the VAT code |
22 |
VAT included – article 45 of the VAT code |
7 |
Without VAT – article 22 of the VAT code |
23 |
VAT included – article 46 of the VAT code |
8 |
Without VAT – article 24 of the VAT code |
24 |
Without VAT – article 6 of the VAT code |
9 |
Without VAT – article 25 of the VAT code |
25 |
Without VAT – POL.1029/1995 |
10 |
Without VAT – article 26 of the VAT code |
26 |
Without VAT – POL.1167/2015 |
11 |
Without VAT – article 27 of the VAT code |
27 |
Other VAT Exceptions |
12 |
Without VAT – article 27 – Seagoing Vessels of the VAT code |
28 |
Without VAT – article 24 para. b’ par.1 of the VAT Code, (Tax Free) |
13 |
Without VAT – article 27.1.γ – Seagoing Vessels of the VAT code |
29 |
Without VAT – article 47b, of VAT code (OSS non-EU regime) |
14 |
Without VAT – article 28 of the VAT code |
30 |
Without VAT – article 47c, of the Code VAT (OSS EU status) |
15 |
Without VAT – article 39 of the VAT code |
31 |
Without VAT – article 47d of VAT Code (IOSS) |
16 |
Without VAT – article 39a of the VAT code |
8.4 Withholding taxes
Code |
Description |
Tax |
1 |
Case b’ – Interests – 15% |
15% |
2 |
Case c’ – Royalties – 20% |
20% |
3 |
Case d’ – Management Consultant Fees – 20% |
20% |
4 |
Case d’ – Technical Projects – 3% |
3% |
5 |
Liquid fuel and tobacco industry products – 1% |
1% |
6 |
Other Goods – 4% |
4% |
7 |
Services Provision – 8% |
8% |
8 |
4% Architect and Engineer Tax on Contractual Fees to Draft Surveys and Plans, Payable in Advance |
4% |
9 |
10% Architect and Engineer Tax on Contractual Fees for any other Project, Payable in Advance |
10% |
10 |
15% Attorney Fee Tax, Payable in Advance |
15% |
11 |
Payroll Tax Withholding (Article 15 paragraph 1 of Law 4172/2013) |
amount |
12 |
Merchant Marine Officers Payroll Tax Withholding (article 15 paragraph 2 of Law 4172/2013) |
15% |
13 |
Merchant Marine Lower-ranking Crew Payroll Tax Withholding (article 15 paragraph 2 of Law 4172/2013) |
10% |
14 |
Special Solidarity Contribution Withholding |
amount |
15 |
Compensation for Termination of Employment Tax Withholding (Article 15 paragraph 3 of Law 4172/2013) |
amount |
16 |
Withholding of foreign transactions based on avoidance agreements double taxation (S.A.D.F.) |
amount |
17 |
Other Tax Deductions |
Amount |
18 |
Withholding Tax Dividends per para. 1 no. 64 n. 4172/2013 |
5% |
8.5 Other taxes
Code |
Description |
Tax |
3 |
b) 4% life insurance premiums |
4% |
4 |
c) 15% other insurance premiums |
15% |
5 |
d) 0% tax-exempt insurance premiums |
0% |
6 |
Hotels 1-2 stars 0,50 € |
amount |
7 |
Hotels 3 stars 1,50 € |
amount |
8 |
Hotels 4 stars 3,00 € |
amount |
9 |
Hotels 5 stars 4,00 € |
amount |
10 |
Rental rooms – Furnished rooms – Apartments 0,50 € |
amount |
11 |
Special 5% tax on tv-broadcast commercials (EFTD) |
5% |
12 |
10% luxury tax on the taxable value of intra-community acquired goods and those imported from third countries |
10% |
13 |
10% luxury tax on the selling price before VAT for domestically produced goods |
10% |
14 |
80% Public fees on the admission ticket price for casinos |
80% |
15 |
Life insurance premiums 20% |
20% |
16 |
Customs Duties-Tax |
amount |
17 |
Other taxes |
amount |
18 |
Charges of Other Taxes |
amount |
19 |
ΕΦΚ – Special Consumption Tax |
amount |
8.6 Stamp duty
Code |
Description |
Tax |
1 |
Rate 1,2 % |
1,20% |
2 |
Rate 2,4 % |
2,40% |
3 |
Rate 3,6 % |
3,60% |
4 |
Other cases of Stamp Duty |
amount |
8.7 Fees
Code |
Description |
Tax |
1 |
12% for monthly bills of up to €50 |
12,00% |
2 |
15% for monthly bills of between €50.01 and 100 |
15,00% |
3 |
18% for monthly bills of between €100.01 and €150 |
18,00% |
4 |
20% for monthly bills of over €150 |
20,00% |
5 |
Prepaid telephony fee of 12% on the speaking time |
12,00% |
6 |
10% subscription television fee |
10,00% |
7 |
5% landline subscriber fee |
5,00% |
8 |
Ecotax and Plastic bag tax (Article 6A of Law 2339/2001) |
amount |
9 |
2% olive fruit fly control contribution |
2,00% |
10 |
Other fees |
amount |
11 |
Other Tax Fees |
amount |
12 |
Fly control contribution |
amount |
13 |
For monthly bill of each connection (10%) |
10% |
14 |
Prepaid fee on the value of airtime (10%) |
10% |
15 |
Mobile and prepaid fee for natural persons aged 15 to and 29 years old (0%) |
0% |
16 |
Contribution of environmental protection of plastic products 0.04 minutes per piece [Article 4 of Law 4736/2020] |
amount |
17 |
Recycling fee 0.08 cents per piece [Article 80 of Law 4819/2021] |
amount |
18 |
Accommodation fee for transients |
amount |
19 |
Tax on the gross revenues of restaurants and related shops |
amount |
20 |
Fee on the gross receipts of entertainment centers |
amount |
21 |
Tax on casino gross receipts |
amount |
22 |
Other fees on gross receipts |
amount |
8.8 Income Classification Category
Code |
Description |
category1_1 |
Commodity Sale Income (+)/(-) |
category1_2 |
Product Sale Income (+)/(-) |
category1_3 |
Provision of Services Income (+)/(-) |
category1_4 |
Sale of Fixed Assets Income (+)/(-) |
category1_5 |
Other Income/Profits (+)/(-) |
category1_6 |
Self-Deliveries/Self-Supplies (+)/(-) |
category1_7 |
Income on behalf of Third Parties (+)/(-) |
category1_8 |
Past fiscal years income (+)/(-) |
category1_9 |
Future fiscal years income (+)/(-) |
category1_10 |
Other Income Adjustment/Regularisation Entries (+)/(-) |
category1_95 |
Other Income-related Information (+)/(-) |
8.9 Income Classification Type
Code |
Description |
E3_106 |
Self-Production of Fixed Assets – Self-Deliveries – Destroying inventory/Commodities |
E3_205 |
Self-Production of Fixed Assets – Self-Deliveries – Destroying inventory/Raw and other materials |
E3_210 |
Self-Production of Fixed Assets – Self-Deliveries – Destroying inventory/Products and production in progress |
E3_305 |
Self-Production of Fixed Assets – Self-Deliveries – Destroying inventory/Raw and other materials |
E3_310 |
Self-Production of Fixed Assets – Self-Deliveries – Destroying inventory/ Products and production in progress |
E3_318 |
Self-Production of Fixed Assets – Self-Deliveries – Destroying inventory/Production expenses |
E3_561_001 |
Wholesale Sales of Goods and Services – for Traders |
E3_561_002 |
Wholesale Sales of Goods and Services pursuant to article 39a paragraph 5 of the VAT Code (Law 2859/2000) |
E3_561_003 |
Retail Sales of Goods and Services – Private Clientele |
E3_561_004 |
Retail Sales of Goods and Services pursuant to article 39a paragraph 5 of the VAT Code (Law 2859/2000) |
E3_561_005 |
Intra-Community Foreign Sales of Goods and Services |
E3_561_006 |
Third Country Foreign Sales of Goods and Services |
E3_561_007 |
Other Sales of Goods and Services |
E3_562 |
Other Ordinary Income |
E3_563 |
Credit Interest and Related Income |
E3_564 |
Credit Exchange Differences |
E3_565 |
Income from Participations |
E3_566 |
Profits from Disposing Non-Current Assets |
E3_567 |
Profits from the Reversal of Provisions and Impairments |
E3_568 |
Profits from Measurement at Fair Value |
E3_570 |
Extraordinary income and profits |
E3_595 |
Self-Production Expenses |
E3_596 |
Subsidies – Grants |
E3_597 |
Subsidies – Grants for Investment Purposes – Expense Coverage |
E3_880_001 |
Wholesale Sales of Fixed Assets |
E3_880_002 |
Retail Sales of Fixed Assets |
E3_880_003 |
Intra-Community Foreign Sales of Fixed Assets |
E3_880_004 |
Third Country Foreign Sales of Fixed Assets |
E3_881_001 |
Wholesale Sales on behalf of Third Parties |
E3_881_002 |
Retail Sales on behalf of Third Parties |
E3_881_003 |
Intra-Community Foreign Sales on behalf of Third Parties |
E3_881_004 |
Third Country Foreign Sales on behalf of Third Parties |
8.10 Expenses Classification Category
Code |
Description |
category2_1 |
Commodity Purchases (+)/(-) |
category2_2 |
Raw and Adjuvant Material Purchases (+)/(-) |
category2_3 |
Services Receipt (+)/(-) |
category2_4 |
General Expenses Subject to VAT Deduction (+)/(-) |
category2_5 |
General Expenses Not Subject to VAT Deduction (+)/(-) |
category2_6 |
Personnel Fees and Benefits (+)/(-) |
category2_7 |
Fixed Asset Purchases (+)/(-) |
category2_8 |
Fixed Asset Amortisations (+)/(-) |
category2_9 |
Expenses on behalf of Third Parties (+)/(-) |
category2_10 |
Past fiscal years expenses (+)/(-) |
category2_11 |
Future fiscal years expenses (+)/(-) |
category2_12 |
Other Expense Adjustment/Regularisation Entries (+)/(-) |
category2_13 |
Stock at Period Start (+)/(-) |
category2_14 |
Stock at Period End (+)/(-) |
category2_95 |
Other Expense-related Information (+)/(-) |
8.11 Expenses Classification Type
Code |
Description |
E3_101 |
Commodities at Period Start |
E3_102_001 |
Fiscal Year Commodity Purchases (net amount)/Wholesale |
E3_102_002 |
Fiscal Year Commodity Purchases (net amount)/Retail |
E3_102_003 |
Fiscal Year Commodity Purchases (net amount)/Goods under article 39a paragraph 5 of the VAT Code (Law 2859/2000) |
E3_102_004 |
Fiscal Year Commodity Purchases (net amount)/Foreign, Intra-Community |
E3_102_005 |
Fiscal Year Commodity Purchases (net amount)/Foreign, Third Countries |
E3_102_006 |
Fiscal Year Commodity Purchases (net amount)/Others |
E3_104 |
Commodities at Period End |
E3_201 |
Raw and Other Materials at Period Start/Production |
E3_202_001 |
Fiscal Year Raw and Other Material Purchases (net amount)/Wholesale |
E3_202_002 |
Fiscal Year Raw and Other Material Purchases (net amount)/Retail |
E3_202_003 |
Fiscal Year Raw and Other Material Purchases (net amount)/ Foreign, Intra- Community |
E3_202_004 |
Fiscal Year Raw and Other Material Purchases (net amount)/ Foreign, Third Countries |
E3_202_005 |
Fiscal Year Raw and Other Material Purchases (net amount)/Others |
E3_204 |
Raw and Other Material Stock at Period End/Production |
E3_207 |
Products and Production in Progress at Period Start/Production |
E3_209 |
Products and Production in Progress at Period End/Production |
E3_301 |
Raw and Other Material at Period Start/Agricultural |
E3_302_001 |
Fiscal Year Raw and Other Material Purchases (net amount)/Wholesale |
E3_302_002 |
Fiscal Year Raw and Other Material Purchases (net amount)/Retail |
E3_302_003 |
Fiscal Year Raw and Other Material Purchases (net amount)/Foreign, Intra- Community |
E3_302_004 |
Fiscal Year Raw and Other Material Purchases (net amount)/Foreign, Third Countries |
E3_302_005 |
Fiscal Year Raw and Other Material Purchases (net amount)/Others |
E3_304 |
Raw and Other Material Stock at Period End/Agricultural |
E3_307 |
Products and Production in Progress at Period Start/ Agricultural |
E3_309 |
Products and Production in Progress at Period End/ Agricultural |
E3_312 |
Stock at Period Start (Animals-Plants) |
E3_313_001 |
Animal-Plant Purchases (net amount)/Wholesale |
E3_313_002 |
Animal-Plant Purchases (net amount)/Retail |
E3_313_003 |
Animal-Plant Purchases (net amount)/ Foreign, Intra-Community |
E3_313_004 |
Animal-Plant Purchases (net amount)/ Foreign, Third Countries |
E3_313_005 |
Animal-Plant Purchases/Others |
E3_315 |
Stock at Period End (Animals-Plants)/Agricultural |
E3_581_001 |
Employee Benefits/Gross Earnings |
E3_581_002 |
Employee Benefits/Employer Contributions |
E3_581_003 |
Employee Benefits/Other Benefits |
E3_582 |
Asset Measurement Damages |
E3_583 |
Debit Exchange Differences |
E3_584 |
Damages from Disposing-Withdrawing Non-Current Assets |
E3_585_001 |
Foreign/Domestic Management Fees |
E3_585_002 |
Expenditures from Linked Enterprises |
E3_585_003 |
Expenditures from Non-Cooperative States or Privileged Tax Regimes |
E3_585_004 |
Expenditures for Information Day-Events |
E3_585_005 |
Reception and Hospitality Expenses |
E3_585_006 |
Travel expenses |
E3_585_007 |
Self-Employed Social Security Contributions |
E3_585_008 |
Commission Agent Expenses and Fees on behalf of Farmers |
E3_585_009 |
Other Fees for Domestic Services |
E3_585_010 |
Other Fees for Foreign Services |
E3_585_011 |
Energy |
E3_585_012 |
Water |
E3_585_013 |
Telecommunications |
E3_585_014 |
Rents |
E3_585_015 |
Advertisement and promotion |
E3_585_016 |
Other expenses |
E3_586 |
Debit interests and related expenses |
E3_587 |
Amortisations |
E3_588 |
Extraordinary expenses, damages and fines |
E3_589 |
Provisions (except for Personnel Provisions) |
E3_882_001 |
Fiscal Year Tangible Asset Purchases/Wholesale |
E3_882_002 |
Fiscal Year Tangible Asset Purchases/Retail |
E3_882_003 |
Fiscal Year Tangible Asset Purchases/ Intra-Community Foreign |
E3_882_004 |
Fiscal Year Tangible Asset Purchases/ Third Country Foreign |
E3_883_001 |
Fiscal Year Intangible Asset Purchases/Wholesale |
E3_883_002 |
Fiscal Year Intangible Asset Purchases/Retail |
E3_883_003 |
Fiscal Year Intangible Asset Purchases/ Intra-Community Foreign |
E3_883_004 |
Fiscal Year Intangible Asset Purchases/ Third Country Foreign |
VAT_361 |
Domestic Purchases & Expenditures |
VAT_362 |
Purchases & Imports of Investment Goods (Fixed Assets) |
VAT_363 |
Other Imports except for Investment Goods (Fixed Assets) |
VAT_364 |
Intra-Community Goods Acquisitions |
VAT_365 |
Intra-Community Services Receipts per article 14.2.a |
VAT_366 |
Other Recipient Actions |
8.12 Payment methods
Code |
Description |
1 |
Domestic Payments Account Number |
2 |
Foreign Payments Account Number |
3 |
Cash |
4 |
Check |
5 |
On credit |
6 |
Web Banking |
7 |
POS / e-POS |
8 |
IRIS Direct Payments |
8.13 Unit of measurement
Code |
Description |
1 |
Pieces |
2 |
Kg |
3 |
Litres |
4 |
Add-on (ignored in the total quantity) |
5 |
Square metres |
6 |
Cubic Meters |
7 |
Pieces Other Cases |
8.14 Purpose of movement
Code |
Description |
1 |
Sale |
2 |
Sales on Behalf of Third Parties |
3 |
Sampling |
4 |
Exhibition |
5 |
Return |
6 |
Keeping |
7 |
Edit – Assembly |
8 |
Between Entity Branches |
9 |
Purchase |
10 |
Ship and aircraft supplies |
11 |
Free availability |
12 |
Warranty |
13 |
Lending |
14 |
Third party storage |
15 |
Return from Storage |
16 |
Recycling |
17 |
Destruction of useless material |
18 |
Movement of Fixed Assets (Intra-movement) |
19 |
Other Movements |
8.15 Remarks
Code |
Description |
1 |
Third Party Sales Clearance |
2 |
Fee from Third Party Sales |
8.16 Record Type
Code |
Description |
Notes |
1 |
Deductible Tax Line |
Inactive – for future use |
2 |
Line of Fees with VAT |
3 |
Line of Other Taxes with VAT |
4 |
Line of Stamp duty Tax |
Inactive – for future use |
5 |
Line of WithHolding Tax |
Inactive – for future use |
6 |
Gift voucher |
7 |
Negative sign of values |
Only valid in the cases of items 17.3, 17.4, 17.5 and 17.6 and indicates that the amounts of the line values are negative |
8.17 Fuel Codes
Code |
Description |
10 |
Benzine 95RON |
11 |
Benzine 95RON+ |
12 |
Benzine 100RON |
13 |
Benzine LRP |
20 |
Diesel |
21 |
Diesel premium |
30 |
Diesel Heatnn |
31 |
Diesel Heat premium |
32 |
Diesel Linht |
40 |
50 |
60 |
Aromatic hydrocarbons of tariff heading 2707 |
61 |
Cyclic hydrocarbons of tariff heading 2902 |
70 |
Light oil (WHITE SPIRIT) |
71 |
Light oils |
72 |
Biodiesel |
999 |
Other service charges. Used in cases where in a document, apart from fuel, there is a need to invoice other charges of small amounts |
8.18 Document Deviation Type
Code |
Description |
Notes |
1 |
Transmission of an omission by the Recipient |
This value is used for Data Transmission by the Recipient due to Failure to Transmit by the Issuer. Allowed document types: 1.1, 1.6, 2.1, 2.4, 5.2, 8.1 and 8.2 |
2 |
Transmission of an omission by an Issuer |
This value is used for Data Transmission by the Issuer, in case the Issuer agrees with the Recipient’s indication that the (issuer’s) failure to transmit has been indicated. Allowed document types: 11.3, 11.4, 13.1, and 13.31 |
3 |
Transmission of Deviation from Recipient |
This value is used for Data Transmission (non-receipted documents) by the Recipient due to a Data Transmission Deviation by the Issuer Allowed document types: 11.3, 11.4, 13.1, and 13.31 (Especially and exclusively for documents issued in 2021, types 1.1 and 5.2 are additionally allowed) |
4 |
Transmission of Deviation from Publisher |
This value is used for Data Transmission by the Issuer, in case it agrees with the Recipient’s marking of “Transmission Deviation” in the counterpart A1 Document Type that it had transmitted to the Recipient. Allowed Document Types: 11.3, 11.4, 13.1, and 13.31 |
8.19 Special Category of Document
Code |
Description |
Notes |
1 |
Subsidies – Grants |
2 |
Hotel Retail Revenue – Room Charges |
3 |
Accounting Registration |
4 |
Tax Free |
Valid price only for myDATA REST API transmission via erp or version via provider or timologio |
5 |
Complex domestic – foreign transactions |
6 |
Beneficiaries of Article 3 of the Joint Ministerial Decision 139818 EX2022/28.09.2022 (B’5083) |
7 |
Purchase of agricultural goods and services Article 41 of the VAT Code |
8 |
Retail FEM revenue AADE_1 Read-only – invalid value for sending via ERP / Provider |
9 |
Revenue from retail FIM AADE_2 |
Read only – invalid price for sending via ERP / Provider |
10 |
Retail FIM revenue Enterprise Deviation |
11 |
Heating allowance |
12 |
Catering transactions |
9. Appendix B
An Invoice contains the following structure.
10. XML Examples
10.1 Create an Invoice
<InvoicesDoc xmlns=”″ xmlns:xsi=”” xmlns:N1=”″ xsi:schemaLocation=” schema.xsd”>
<city>DUSSELDORF </city>
<!– SHARP RZ E701 0,0000000000014% €8,06451612903219 –>
<!– provider –>
<lineCode>SHARP RZ E701</lineCode>
<lineDescription>SHARP RZ E701</lineDescription>
<!– –>
<!– provider –>
<IssuerAddressStreet>IAASONIDOU 20 GREEK</IssuerAddressStreet>
<CounterpartName>AUTOPARK DUSSELDORF GMBH</CounterpartName>
<CounterpartAddressStreet>FORSTSTRASSE 27 29 HILDEN</CounterpartAddressStreet>
<CounterpartPhone>+49 (0)211 91382041, +49 (0)211 416</CounterpartPhone>
<DocumentLabel>ΤΙΜΟΛΟΓΙΟ – ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗΣ</DocumentLabel>
<DispatchPlaceFrom>OUR BRANCH</DispatchPlaceFrom>
<DispatchPlaceTo>THEIR BRANCH</DispatchPlaceTo>
<!– –>
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
<SBZResponseDoc xmlns:xsi=”” xmlns:xsd=””>
<!– RUID: [5C86DB8FDE417509630911038DAA95A73857CCFD] –>
More tests can be done using Postman
10.2 RequestTransmittedDocs
10.3 Payment signature request
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<SigningAuthor>013</SigningAuthor> <Signature>3046022100a32a9776f774afc0990d5fa13f288daf0b98c943507f05eef480653b697a399a022100947f00e0ccc6c528d0cacdac6bca87e088f1f5f87c9004e193266447133bf204</Signature>
<statusCode>Signature is valid</statusCode> <Comments>448925613-2024-10-03-0-11.1-Δ-11765|0|D4333239CFEF5FF5810FCB0121688AE2804XXX;;20241003124834;1649;1458;191;1649;67353113</Comments>
11. Special characters
Following characters are not accepted in any text field of the xml and must be send via the correct way.
Character |
Correct way of sending |
Example |
< |
< |
XML: < SBZ > |
> |
> |
XML: < SBZ > |
& |
& |
12. API Portal
Please Note the API Portal is available after the certification process.
Here you can log in to with the credentials we will send you after the certification process.
On this Portal you have the following options:
- Upload your company’s logo for the documents you issue. If you manage multiple companies with your API-KEY, then you can upload logo or forms for all and obtain the logo_id.
- Add credits by purchasing a package of invoices via credit card.
- View all documents issued via API.
- Check your balance.
- Get the latest Rest API Version.
12.1 Document verification
To verify an issued document, we select Verify document on the home page and then enter its mark or authentication code and click on the magnifying glass.
12.2 Document XML based on EN 16931-1:2017
In the admin, in the MARK column next to the XML of the document there is an icon with the European Union mark for downloading the XML based on the EN 16931-1:2017- Electronic Invoicing.
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<Invoice xmlns=”″>
<!– Header information –>
<!– Seller information –>
<!– Buyer information –>
<!– Deliver to address –>
<!– Invoice line items –>
<!– Line 1 –>
<!– Line 2 –>
<!– Document level allowances –>
<!– Document level charges –>
<!– 24,00% –>
13. Provider’s obligations
- As a provider, we update and update the list of counterparty entities with which we contract, directly, with any changes. This list contains basic information such as name, address, VAT number and the nature of the contracting relationship.
- We are responsible for identifying the entity we support and with which we contract. The entity identification process is done through the TAXISNET codes assigned to each entity that offers or receives services through the platform.
- As a provider, we are obliged to declare within ten (10) days, in an electronic service of the A.A.D.E., the conclusion of a contract with the entity we are contracting with. The same obligation to declare and within the same time frame is imposed on the contracted entity, which must also declare the details of the provider and the services it offers.
- We take all necessary measures to ensure that the e-invoicing service provider software, which we make available for use, fully ensures the issuance of a document, as well as its authentication (certification of origin and integrity of its content). We are responsible to the liable entity for ensuring the issuance, authentication of all its documents and their transmission to the ‘myDATA’ interface through the services provided by us. The documents are authenticated only if there is communication, otherwise the issue is discontinued.
- We are obliged to provide immediate access to all data concerning each entity with which we contract, to the entity itself and to the competent services of the AADC for the purpose of carrying out tax audits. In the event that we are requested to access such data by the competent authorities, we will ensure that such data is provided promptly and adequately. There is a possibility in the management of our system for the audit to be carried out by the AADC remotely.
- We have in operation an appropriate interface to the AADC to receive documentary data of the entities with which we contract. The interface allows us to retrieve directly all the data of each document, based on the format and search criteria posted on the website of the SAI, until the end of the calendar year following the calendar year of its issue. In addition, our interface allows us to retrieve a list of all the documents issued by an entity in a given calendar period. There is a possibility in the management of our system for the control to be carried out by the AADC and remotely.
- At the request of the AADC, as a provider we are obliged to deliver within five (5) working days, the set of data of the documents of all entities contracted with us, for a specific calendar period. The method of delivery of the data is via a formatted format posted on an APA website and includes the required data. In addition, there is a possibility in the administration of our system for the control to be carried out by the SAI remotely.
- In case of termination of the cooperation between us and the contracted entity, we as providers are obliged to deliver to the entity all their documents in electronic form, time-stamped and digitally signed. The delivery will be carried out in electronic media agreed between us and the contracted entity, in a secure manner and taking care of the confidentiality of the data. In addition, there is a simplified procedure for receiving documents in the admin of our system by selecting the desired period.
- As a provider, we apply the security policy approved in the granted e-invoicing service provider, certified security license, regarding the availability and integrity of the data we manage. We ensure that the security policy is regularly updated, and the appropriate infrastructure is in place to ensure the seamless availability and integrity of data.
- As a provider, we transmit data of the issued accounting records (data) to the A.A.D.E., in accordance with the provisions of article 15A of the law. 4174/2013, as in force. We provide the AADE with the necessary data within the time limits provided by law to ensure compliance of the contracted entities with their tax obligations. In addition, we apply all necessary security measures to protect the data we manage.
- As a provider, we have an obligation to preserve the data of the documents and the corresponding authentication and documentation data for each entity with which we contract, for as long as we agree with the entity – user of our services and at least for as long as the obligated entity is expected to preserve them, in accordance with the provisions of article 7 of Law No. 4308/2014 and Article 13 of Law No. Therefore, we ensure that the documents and their data will remain safe and protected as long as they are kept on 2 more servers in different locations other than the issuing server.
- As a provider, we make available to the contracting entities, with each e-invoicing service provider contract, electronic instructions in Greek and in English. This ensures that our partners can use our services effectively and have a full understanding of how they work. The instructions can be found at
- We train the obligated entity on the procedures for using our services for the electronic issuance of Electronic Invoicing Provider data and inform them of their contractual obligations. We provide training materials on our website and provide a telephone hotline available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Our aim is to ensure that the obligated entity use our services correctly and fully comply with their obligations.
- As a provider, we are obliged to ensure the anonymity of the retail items issued to the contracting entity. This means that we ensure that information relating to their transactions is not made available to third parties unless required by law or ordered by a judicial authority. Our servers are accessed by technicians who have signed a confidentiality agreement.
- The time of the service provided to any entity – user Electronic Invoicing Provider is at least 99% of the time provided by the telecommunication network. This is recorded on the website We continuously monitor the performance of the system and make upgrades and improvements to ensure the stability and reliability of our service.
- We provide access to the relevant Audit Authorities and Services so that they can check that the conditions of our licence are met. In addition, it is possible in our system’s administration to check the documents remotely.
- As a provider, we provide support for the tax audit through our software Electronic Invoicing Provider. The software is installed in our users’ businesses and has the ability to fully present the issued documents even in the event of a communication breakdown with the provider. In addition, the issued documents are kept under the responsibility of the issuer, thus offering full support in meeting tax requirements.
- The above software, after entering the necessary time range parameters, presents a comprehensive and detailed report on all issued documents. It is possible to see precisely the net value amounts per VAT category, the corresponding VAT tax amounts and the total amount for each category.
- In the event of our permanent closure, we hand over to the AADC all the data of the contracted entities’ documents. We ensure that the contracted entities do not lose any information or data that has been collected in our system. In addition, we provide any necessary documentation regarding the structure and operation of our system so that the APA can effectively manage the data and full access to a website that enables downloading of all records.
- We respect the confidentiality of data and information obtained in the context of our contractual relationships with the entities we work with. We do not disclose any such data or information to third parties and do not use it for our personal benefit or for the benefit of third parties. We ensure that the confidentiality of data is respected and appropriately protected.
- We are obliged, in the event that the Commission decides that there are grounds for withdrawing our authorisation to be eligible, to inform the entities with which we cooperate of this decision. It is worth noting that we always respect the terms of our contracts and try to maintain a positive relationship with the entities that work with us.
13.1 POS – Cashier Systems Integration
With the Means of Payment (EFT/POS) in accordance with the data under A.1155/2023
- As a provider, we carry out encryption and control of the Electronic Invoicing Provider Cash System Payment Signature.
- We are obliged to record and document the duration of the Electronic Invoicing Provider Cash System Payment Signature – (Provider’s Signature) up to twenty-four (24) hours for transaction payment requests of payment service users and up to two (2) hours for payment requests transactions of payment service users active in the focus for purposes of either accepting or rejecting
- We have an obligation to authenticate and transmit data to the myDATA digital platform with a corresponding process of unique identification of documents and payment transactions using means of payment (EFT/POS).
- Our connection, as a provider, with the Electronic Invoicing Provider Cash Systems, the means of payment (EFT/POS) and the A.A.D.E. for the transmission of the specified data is carried out in real time.
- We are obliged to record and document that the algebraic sum of the transactions chosen to be carried out using means of payment (EFT/POS) by users of payment services, regardless of their number, cannot exceed the total amount of the documents related to these
- We are obliged to record and transmit to the myDATA digital platform the documents to be issued that the User of payment services did not transmit for the Electronic Invoicing Provider Payment Signatures – (Provider’s Signatures) that he requested and were not associated by the Electronic Invoicing Provider Cash System with documents and Unique Payment ID , within the time limit defined for each case in accordance with the decision of the Governor of A.A.D.E. under items A.1155/2023. The pending documents of this case for their transmission to the myDATA digital platform are marked “Under Release”.
- We have an obligation to create an appropriate Interconnection Method with the Electronic Invoicing Provider Cash Systems that correspond to our field of responsibility.
- We have an obligation to comply with the Basic Interconnection Rule of the A.1155/2023 decision of the Governor of A.A.D.E. corresponding to our area of responsibility.
- We have an obligation to comply with the other obligations in accordance with the provisions of the Interconnection decision under items A.1155/2023 that correspond to our field of responsibility.
14. Revision History
Version 1.0
Initial release
Version 1.2
Version 1.3
POS support
Consignment note support
Version 1.4
B2G support
Version 1.5
Catering order forms
Version 1.6
Invoice delivery note
Documentation corrections
Version 1.7
Error return enrichment
Indicating dispatch notes in the dashboard
Indication of order forms in the dashboard