After a successful dial up connection to the Internet, (via a telephone line) will be appeared the following little window:

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From top:

  1. Main bar: Move chargemeter at any position of your desktop. Click the red button to disconnect immediately.

  2. The amount of spent money of the active connection

  3. The amount of time of the active connection.

To see all of your calls analytically just press the ChargeMeter’s icon to the task bar and select “History of your calls”.

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History shows all the calls you made by date and time order. If you want to see all your calls just press “All days”. For a specific’s day connections just choose the day you want. Notice that you can see the average charge per hour and the number of calls between the selected date range.

Also, you have the opportunity to see annual statistics of your total connections. Just select the year you want to see and select:

1. “Duration Totals” to see the annually usage of Internet by time per month.

2. “Money Totals” to see the annually usage of Internet by money per month.

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And finally select “About ChargeMeter/Register” to see the following window that shows the official URL of SBZ systems, the support email and the link you can purchase ChargeMeter.

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