The basic principles, in order to design, document (invoice, receipt, quote, offer, consignment etc.) properly, using html, will find here.

Creating document’s forms achieved using the following variables that should be written only in Latin characters. Document forms can be created using html too.


#TRM Enables the simple replacement of the variables without fixed length and orientation. Best for use in html forms and cash registers, text files.
#LAN Show printer settings
#FMU Connection with tax machine
#MEA123 Replace 123 with measurement unit’s line ID that you want to ignore and use the next
#RMU Set decimals: variable without hash|digits ex. #RMUTIT|2,POS|2
If we add 100, at the decimals we want, then the number will be floor rounded if we add 200 will be ceiling rounded ex. #RMUTIT|2,POS|102

Dot matrix

#DOS DOS Encoding  (Warning add once!)
#CON Condensed characters
#LEF Align left
#REV Paper upwards
#CUT Control cutting paper on thermal printers


#HME Issuance date
#PAR Document title
#SEI Document number prefix
#ΑRI Document number
#APP Document number – zeroes every day
#SXE Related documents
#SKO Handling purpose
#TRA Shipping method
#TOF Loading place
#ΤΟΑ Shipping address
#DPA Delivery date
#WPA Time of supply
#WPT Time of supply to
#SEL Page number
#ΥPΟ Sign (when tax mechanism is used)
#ΤΙΑ Copy title (from settings)
#XRH User name
#VOU Shipping tracking number
#QRT QR code link for the retail receipt. We do not set an end point (^, ~, ±)
#QRC QR code image for the retail receipt. We do not set an end point (^, ~, ±)
#SUM Set line for file creation e (Only for tax mechanisms using a virtual printer). Do not set endpoint (^, ~, ±)

The signed document codes are defined in the settings based on this table.
The VAT rules should also define the VAT coding category:
1: 6%
2: 13%
3: 24%
4: 36%
5: 0%

Customer’s/Supplier’s data

#KWP Customer ID
#POL Country/City
#EPW Company
#EMA Email
#TKV Zip code
#TUV P.O. box/floor
#DIE Address
#DOY Tax office
#PRX Region
#CRY Country code (2 letters)
#CRT Country
#EPA Occupation
#TEL Telephone
#KIN Mobile
#ΟΝΟ Name
#EPI Surname
#CC1 to #CC9 1st to 9th custom field
#C10 to #C20 10th to 20th custom field
#SH1 1st line of notes
#SH2 1nd line of notes
#SHM Notes

Sender’s data

#PKW Customer ID
#PPO Country/City
#PEP Company
#PTK Zip code
#PDI Address
#PDO Tax office
#PPR Region
#PRT Country
#PPA Occupation
#PTH Telephone
#PKI Mobile

Receiver’s data

#SKW Customer ID
#SYP Country/City
#SEP Company
#SPA Occupation
#STK Zip code
#SDI Address
#SDO Tax office
#SPX Region
#SRT Country
#STH Telephone
#SKI Mobile


#ΟΧΟ Driver’s name
#ΟΧΜ Vehicle’s brand
#ARA Plate
#MDL Model
#TYP Type
#FUE Fuel
#POW Power
#VNU Chassis number
#ENN Engine number
#VCO Color
#LID Date

Document’s line

#AAA Line number
#ARX Repeat line (At the end of the line – Used for cash register connection)
#TLS End of repeated line (Always after #ΑΡΧ variable)
#KWE Product handle (Must be entered in the top of the line)
#KWA Supply ID
#SD1 to #SD9 1st to 9th custom field (Help here)
#SD0 10th custom field
#S11 to #S50 11th to 50th custom field
#SDA Product notes
#PES Product description with serial number (Warning! Not with #PER variable)
#PER Product description (Warning! Not with #PES variable). In the description we can remove some characters or even change the number of characters using the replacement function.
#POS Quantity
#MON Measurement unit
#ΤΙΤ Net unit price
#ΤΙΜ Gross unit price
#FPA VAT rate. (%)
#AFP VAT total
#PFP VAT Description
#EKP Discount rate (%)
#EKX Discount rate no decimals (%) depreciated
#SPR Net total
#SYN Gross total
#SE0 Serial numbers
#SE1 to #SE5 1st to 5th serial number
#PAD Document line unit price after discount VAT included
#PFI Document line unit price after discount VAT excluded
#PEK Discount value
#PFK Document line total discount VAT included
#PFE Net total before discount
#PHO Item’s image link
#SUB Item’s subcategory
#CAT Item’s category
#SEM Transfered from previous page (Always comes after products list – Indicates the end)

Document’s line – move

#KUE Item’s position
#MER Portion
#STI Move
#KLH Item’s expiration date
#KKY Item’s volume
#KTE Item’s area
#VAR Item’s weight
#AXI Item’s value
#KKP Volume*Quantity
#KTP Area*Quantity
#VAP Weight*Quantity
#AXP Value*Quantity
#POD 2nd quantity in measurement unit
#MOD 2nd measurement unit
#POE 2nd quantity
#P2D 3rd quantity in measurement unit
#M2D 3rd measurement unit
#P2E 3rd quantity


#SPO Total quantity
#TEP Net total
#TEF Total VAT
#TIL Gross total
#LOI Value of other charges before VAT
#POI Value of add-ons VAT included
#PIL Gross total – Value of add-ons VAT included
#LPF Total value plus other charges before VAT
#LPP Total value without other charges VAT included
#SXO Notes
#TRP Payment method title
#TR2 Additional payment method title
#KTR Payment method ID
#KTS Cash register Payment method ID
#PYP Old balance
#NYP New balance
#MET In document entry, it is Cash (For change calculation in cash register. When the price is zero and there is only 1 variable in the line, the line is deleted)
In reprinting it is the first method of payment.
#RES Change
#CRD Price of additional payment method (When the price is zero and there is only 1 variable in the line, the line is deleted)
#SPE Total pre discount
#SSE Discount total
#SSF Discount total VAT included
#EPE Discount total Percentage
#FP1 to #FP5 VAT analysis
#FPN VAT analysis (for HTML forms only)
Add at the top of the page the following CSS script:
#MM1 to #MM5 Quantity by measurement unit


#SYO Total volume
#SYE Total area
#SYV Total weight
#SYA Total value
#S2P Total amount of 2nd measurement unit
#S3P Total amount of 3rd measurement unit
#M21 to #M25 Quantity by 2nd measurement unit
#M31 to #M35 Quantity by 3rd measurement unit
#A21 to #A25 Total quantity by 2nd measurement unit
#A31 to #A35 Total quantity by 3rd measurement unit
#SY1 to #SY5 Total volume per measurement unit
#CS1 to #CS5 Custom field 1 to 5
#C51 έως #C59 In custom field 5 (#CS5) we can have up to 9 extra fields.
They should be typed separated by the symbol | , as below:
#CUS Custom field derived from the variable “pvlhseis”.”custom”.
Points arte stored here, which are shown using the following:
Previous points: #CU3
Document points: #CU2
Total ponts: #CU1
#CU1 1st part of #CUS using separator “|”
#CU2 2nd part of #CUS using separator “|”
#CU3 3rd part of #CUS using separator “|”
#CU4 4th part of #CUS using separator “|”
#CU5 5th part of #CUS using separator “|”

Using variables

  • By putting the symbol ^ inside the variables you define the end and stack to the right. This is mainly used in numbers. In html form design this is not necessary, since we are stacking the code.
  • Putting the ~ symbol after the variables defines the end.
  • The ± symbol defines the end, except that it cuts the contents of the field. In html form design this is not necessary, since we are stacking the code.

Documents file name

Example #1:

If the file name is like this:

the folder “forma” created with the file “forma.txt” inside it everytime you print a document.

Example #2:

2 catalogues are created:
forma & forma1

The folders “forma” and “forma1” created with the file “forma.txt” and “forma1.txt” inside it everytime you print a document.