The customizable button is useful when you want to call an external program while sending data from EMDI.

First of all we create the option we want.


We use the following variables:

#CID Customer ID
#TEL Telephone
#TE2 2nd Telephone
#MOB Mobile
#MO2 2nd Mobile
#EML E-mail
#EM2 2nd E-mail
#ADR Address
#NAM Name

Running sender

#EMA Send Email

After each variable for sender execution, we put “;” and the title of the pre-defined text used on the e-mail or SMS respectively.


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Να σημειωθεί ότι όταν επαναλαμβάνεται το πρόθεμα συνεχόμενα, τότε αφαιρείται.


There is also the possibility of many prefixes with a series of variables


So the above link will be translated by EMDI as



When you click on the button having set a web page then EMDI appends the customer id to the end of the address:

Whereas if you call a program 2 fields are being sent separated by semicolon:

  1. Customer line number
  2. Customer id


What is being called is defined at settings->customers/suppliers->customizable button.



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