In the installation we select the Eshop connection to SQL Server.
We make the corresponding queries in the following files in the Reports folder:
Receiving species
id | Code |
name | Title |
price | Value |
notes | Notes |
weight | Weight |
category | category |
vat | VAT rate |
supplierid | Supplier Code |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 |
select str(example_product_id) as id, example_supplier_id as supplierid, example_product_name as name, cast(example_product_price as FLOAT) as price, cast(example_product_notes as VARCHAR(1000)) as notes, example_product_weight as weight, example_product_category as category, cast(example_product_vat as FLOAT) as vat from example_products where example_product_created >= :lastupdate |
Receiving orders
id | |
date | |
firstname | |
lastname | |
phone | |
mobile | |
company | |
occupation | |
address | |
city | |
zip | |
vat | |
taxoffice | |
recipient_lastname | |
recipient_firstname | |
recipient_address | |
recipient_zip | |
recipient_area | |
recipient_city | |
recipient_floor | |
recipient_mobile | |
recipient_phone | |
recipient_email | |
shipping_method | |
shipping_cost | |
payment_method | |
coupon_title | |
coupon | |
discount | |
package_cost | |
package_title | |
doc_title | |
notes | Notes |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 |
select str(example_orders_id) as id, example_orders_date as date, example_orders_firstname as firstname, example_orders_lastname as lastname, example_orders_phone as phone, example_orders_mobile as mobile, example_orders_email as email, example_orders_company as company, example_orders_occupation as occupation, example_orders_address as address, example_orders_city as city, example_orders_zip as zip, example_orders_vat as vat, example_orders_taxoffice as taxoffice, example_orders_recipientlastname as recipient_lastname, example_orders_recipientaddress as recipient_address, example_orders_recipientfirstname as recipient_firstname, example_orders_recipientzip as recipient_zip, example_orders_recipientarea as recipient_area, example_orders_recipientcity as recipient_city, example_orders_floor as recipient_floor, example_orders_packagecost as package_cost, example_orders_coupontitle as coupon_title, example_orders_couponprice as coupon, example_orders_shipping as shipping_method, example_orders_shippingcost as shipping_cost, example_orders_payment as payment_method, example_orders_recipientemail as recipient_email, example_orders_discount as discount, example_orders_recipientmobile as recipient_mobile, example_orders_recipientphone as recipient_phone, example_orders_package as package_title, example_orders_doctitle as doc_title, example_orders_notes as notes from example_orders where example_orders_created >= :lastupdate |
Get order lines
pid | Order number |
description | |
quantity | |
price | |
vat |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
select example_order_id as pid, example_order_description as description, example_order_quantity as quantity, example_order_price as price, example_order_vat as vat from example_order where example_order_id = :orderid |