The database used by EMDI is Firebird SQL. Help on the SQL language used by firebird can be found at
You can also download the free firebird browser from the address IBExpert or DBeaver.


Table “pelates”
Contains contacts, customers, suppliers.
“pelates”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“pelates”.”Kvdikos” Code/ID varchar(30)
“pelates”.”Onoma” Name varchar(30)
“pelates”.”Epiueto” Surname varchar(40)
“pelates”.”Dieyuynsh” Address varchar(40)
“pelates”.”Perioxh” Region varchar(30)
“pelates”.”Tk” Post code varchar(10)
“pelates”.”Thlefvno” Telephone varchar(60)
“pelates”.”Kinhto” Mobile varchar(60)
“pelates”.”Fax” Fax varchar(60)
“pelates”.”Email” Email varchar(100)
“pelates”.”Url” URL varchar(50)
“pelates”.”Epvnymia” Company varchar(70)
“pelates”.”Afm” VAT number varchar(15)
“pelates”.”Doy” Tax office, connected with “doy”.”Aa” smallint
“pelates”.”Hmeromhnia” Signup Date date
“pelates”.”Eidosp” Relation smallint
“pelates”.”custom1″ Custom field 1 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom2″ Custom field 2 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom3″ Custom field 3 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom4″ Custom field 4 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom5″ Custom field 5 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom6″ Custom field 6 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom7″ Custom field 7 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom8″ Custom field 8 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom9″ Custom field 9 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom10″ Custom field 10 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom11″ Custom field 11 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom12″ Custom field 12 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom13″ Custom field 13 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom14″ Custom field 14 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom15″ Custom field 15 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom16″ Custom field 16 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom17″ Custom field 17 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom18″ Custom field 18 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom19″ Custom field 19 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”custom20″ Custom field 20 varchar(30)
“pelates”.”Tu” P.O. BOX varchar(10)
“pelates”.”Polh” City/County, connected with “poleis”.”Aa” integer
“pelates”.”Kentriko” Main (Line ID) integer
“pelates”.”Epaggelma” Occupation, connected with “epaggelmata”.”Aa” smallint
“pelates”.”Xrhsths” By user (Line ID) smallint
“pelates”.”Shmeivseis” Notes memo
“pelates”.”Ypoloipo” Balance float
“pelates”.”Ekptvseis” Price list smallint
“pelates”.”foros” VAT liability, [0,1,2] if he/she is VAT obligated (normal, reduced, none) smallint
“pelates”.”accountingnumber” Accounting number varchar(30)
“pelates”.”accountingcode” Accounting code smallint
“pelates”.”Orio” Credit limit float
“pelates”.”agores” Purchases float
“pelates”.”pvlhseis” Sales float
“pelates”.”troposplhrvmhs” Payment (Line ID), connected with “diakanonismos”.”Aa” smallint
“pelates”.”modified” Modification timestamp
“pelates”.”taxob” Tax obliged, [1,0] if he/she is obligated for the aggregated documents list smallint
“pelates”.”active” Active, [1,0] if the customer is active or not smallint
“pelates”.”no_loyalties” Reward Exemption smallint
“pelates”.”latitude” latitude float
“pelates”.”longitude” longitude float
Table “doy”
“doy”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“doy”.”kvdikos” Τax office ID integer
“doy”.”Titlos” Tax Office varchar(85)
“doy”.”modified” Modification timestamp
Table “apouhkh”
Contains products and services.
“apouhkh”.”Kvdikos” ID/Barcode varchar(50)
“apouhkh”.”Perigrafh” Description varchar(100)
“apouhkh”.”fpaT” VAT float
“apouhkh”.”Lianikh” Net price float
“apouhkh”.”Hmeromhnia” Price change date
“apouhkh”.”Monada” Measurement unit, connected with “monades”.”Aa” main measurement unit smallint
“apouhkh”.”Url” URL varchar(200)
“apouhkh”.”Shmeivseis” Detailed description memo
“apouhkh”.”Eggrafh” Signup Date date
“apouhkh”.”Fvtografia” Photo varchar(200)
“apouhkh”.”Omada” Subcategory, connected with “omada”.”Aa” subcategory integer
“apouhkh”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“apouhkh”.”Kvdikos_s” Purchase ID varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”Diauesimothta” Availibility float
“apouhkh”.”Pvlhseis” Sales float
“apouhkh”.”Timh_s” Net price float
“apouhkh”.”Esoda” Revenues float
“apouhkh”.”Ejoda” Expenses float
“apouhkh”.”Y” Height float
“apouhkh”.”P” Width float
“apouhkh”.”B” Depth float
“apouhkh”.”Embado” Area float
“apouhkh”.”Ogkos” Volume float
“apouhkh”.”Baros” Weight float
“apouhkh”.”Xrhsths” User (Line ID), connected with “xrhstes”.”Aa” user id smallint
“apouhkh”.”posostokerdoys” Profit rate float
“apouhkh”.”posokerdoys” Profit float
“apouhkh”.”minquantity” Minimum availability float
“apouhkh”.”modified” Modification timestamp
“apouhkh”.”measureunit1″ Measurement unit 2 (Line ID), connected with “monades”.”Aa” smallint
“apouhkh”.”measureunit2″ Measurement unit 3 (Line ID), connected with “monades”.”Aa” smallint
“apouhkh”.”quantity1″ Quantity 2 float
“apouhkh”.”quantity2″ Quantity 3 float
“apouhkh”.”active” Active, [1,0] if it is active or not smallint
“apouhkh”.”scale” Scale, [1,0] if there is a scale smallint
“apouhkh”.”internet” E-shop, [1,0] if is connected with e-shop or not smallint
“apouhkh”.”color” Color integer
“apouhkh”.”order” Order integer
“apouhkh”.”custom1″ Custom field 1 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom2″ Custom field 2 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom3″ Custom field 3 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom4″ Custom field 4 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom5″ Custom field 5 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom6″ Custom field 6 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom7″ Custom field 7 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom8″ Custom field 8 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom9″ Custom field 9 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom10″ Custom field 10 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom11″ Custom field 11 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom12″ Custom field 12 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom13″ Custom field 13 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom14″ Custom field 14 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom15″ Custom field 15 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom16″ Custom field 16 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom17″ Custom field 17 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom18″ Custom field 18 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom19″ Custom field 19 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom20″ Custom field 20 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom21″ Custom field 21 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom22″ Custom field 22 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom23″ Custom field 23 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom24″ Custom field 24 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom25″ Custom field 25 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom26″ Custom field 26 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom27″ Custom field 27 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom28″ Custom field 28 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom29″ Custom field 29 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom30″ Custom field 30 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom31″ Custom field 31 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom32″ Custom field 32 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom33″ Custom field 33 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom34″ Custom field 34 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom35″ Custom field 35 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom36″ Custom field 36 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom37″ Custom field 37 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom38″ Custom field 38 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom39″ Custom field 39 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom40″ Custom field 40 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom41″ Custom field 41 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom42″ Custom field 42 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom43″ Custom field 43 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom44″ Custom field 44 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom45″ Custom field 45 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom46″ Custom field 46 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom47″ Custom field 47 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom48″ Custom field 48 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom49″ Custom field 49 varchar(30)
“apouhkh”.”custom50″ Custom field 50 varchar(30)
Table “fpa”
“fpa”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“fpa”.”title” Description varchar(50)
“fpa”.”Fpa” Vat Rate float
“fpa”.”tameio” Cashier Line ID integer
“fpa”.”accountingnumberin” Sales accounting number char(30)
“fpa”.”accountingnumberout” Purchases accounting number char(30)
“fpa”.”modified” Modification timestamp
“fpa”.”tax_id” Signing VAT Category smallint
“fpa”.”tax_vat” VAT category myDATA smallint
“fpa”.”tax_type_revenues” Revenue type myDATA varchar(40)
“fpa”.”tax_type_expenses” Expenses type myDATA varchar(40)
“fpa”.”order” Order integer
Table “monades”
“monades”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“monades”.”Monades” Measurement unit varchar(15)
“monades”.”quantity” Quantity float
“monades”.”modified” Modification timestamp
Table “pvlhseis”
Contains documents, sales and purchases. A complete sale consists of 1 row of table “pvlhseis” combined with 1 or more rows of the “grammes” table.
“pvlhseis”.”Seira” Prefix varchar(5)
“pvlhseis”.”Ariumospar” Doc.Num. integer
“pvlhseis”.”Hmeromhnia” Date timestamp
“pvlhseis”.”Parastatiko” Document (Line ID), connected with “eidhpar”.”Aa” smallint
“pvlhseis”.”Kvdikospelath” Customer Line ID, connected with “pelates”.”Aa” integer
“pvlhseis”.”Plhrvmh” Payment (Line ID), connected with “diakanonismos”.”Aa” smallint
“pvlhseis”.”synolo_” Total including VAT float
“pvlhseis”.”Sxetika” Related Docs varchar(100)
“pvlhseis”.”Vra” Time from time
“pvlhseis”.”Vrato” Time to time
“pvlhseis”.”synolofpa_” Total VAT float
“pvlhseis”.”synoloposothtas_” Total quantity float
“pvlhseis”.”Aa” Document line ID integer – Primary key
“pvlhseis”.”Pinakida” License plate varchar(30)
“pvlhseis”.”Paradosh” Delivery Customer (Line ID), connected with “pelates”.”Aa” integer
“pvlhseis”.”Tropos” Shipping method (Line ID), connected with “tropos”.”Aa” smallint
“pvlhseis”.”Skopos” Handling purpose (Line ID), connected with “skopos”.”Aa” smallint
“pvlhseis”.”Sxolio” Notes varchar(400)
“pvlhseis”.”Apostolh” Shipping address varchar(100)
“pvlhseis”.”Fortvsh” Loading place varchar(25)
“pvlhseis”.”Xrhsths” User (Line ID), connected with “xrhstes”.”Aa” smallint
“pvlhseis”.”ogkos_syn” Total volume float
“pvlhseis”.”embado_syn” Total area float
“pvlhseis”.”baros_syn” Total weight float
“pvlhseis”.”ajia_syn” Total additional lot value float
“pvlhseis”.”Sxetiko” Related Doc. (Line ID), connected with “eidhpar”.”Aa” integer
“pvlhseis”.”synolonpe_” Total before discount float
“pvlhseis”.”ypografh” Sign varchar(400)
“pvlhseis”.”synolikopososto” Total percentage pro rata and not cumulative float
“pvlhseis”.”loipes_” Total other fees float
“pvlhseis”.”modified” Modification timestamp
“pvlhseis”.”scheduleid” Appointment (Line ID), connected with “rantevou”.”Aa” integer
“pvlhseis”.”custom” Custom field varchar(100)
“pvlhseis”.”deliverday” Shipping date date
“pvlhseis”.”Payment” Cash float
“pvlhseis”.”Payment2″ Card float
“pvlhseis”.”voucher” Shipment tracking ID varchar(20)
“pvlhseis”.”assignor” Assignor (Line ID), connected with “pelates”.”Aa” integer
“pvlhseis”.”invoiceMark” invoiceMark bigint
“pvlhseis”.”custom1″ Custom field 1 varchar(30)
“pvlhseis”.”custom2″ Custom field 2 varchar(30)
“pvlhseis”.”custom3″ Custom field 3 varchar(30)
“pvlhseis”.”custom4″ Custom field 4 varchar(30)
“pvlhseis”.”custom5″ Custom field 5 varchar(30)
“pvlhseis”.”b2g” Contains the fields related to the issuance to the Government separated by “;”
buyer Identifier;contract Reference;project Reference;Item Classification Identifier
Table “epaggelmata”
“epaggelmata”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“epaggelmata”.”Epaggelmata” Occupation varchar(50)
“epaggelmata”.”modified” Modification timestamp
Table “sxeseis”
“sxeseis”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“sxeseis”.”Perigrafh” Relationship title varchar(30)
“sxeseis”.”accountingcode” Accounting code smallint
“sxeseis”.”accountingnumber” Accounting number char(30)
“sxeseis”.”modified” Modification timestamp
“sxeseis”.”readonly” Read only (Line ID) smallint
Table “eidhpar”
It contains document types that exist. They can be found in Settings-> Documents.
“eidhpar”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“eidhpar”.”Koino” Parent (Line ID) integer
“eidhpar”.”parallhlo” Related Doc. (Line ID) integer
“eidhpar”.”Parastatiko” Title varchar(50)
“eidhpar”.”Seira” Prefix varchar(5)
“eidhpar”.”Ariumos” Latest document integer
“eidhpar”.”Tameio” Cashier (Line ID), connected with “tameio”.”Aa” smallint
“eidhpar”.”Xrevstiko” Action (Line ID), [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] connected with “naioxi”.”Apanthsh_xr”
0 Purchase/Import of goods
1 Sell/Export of goods
2 Receive money
3 Payment
4 None
5 Purchase/Without movement
6 Sell/Without movement
“eidhpar”.”Emf_timvn” Price view (Line ID), connected with “naioxi”.”apanthsh_ep”
0 No
1 Yes
2 Yes/Return
3 Only Tax
“eidhpar”.”Eisagvgh” Change the day (Line ID), connected with “naioxi”.”apanthsh_m” smallint
“eidhpar”.”Ektypwsh” Print (Line ID), connected with “naioxi”.”apanthsh_ek” smallint
“eidhpar”.”Kvdikosparastatikou” Item char(50)
“eidhpar”.”recipienttitles” Recipients titles varchar(35)
“eidhpar”.”Mefpa” Focus on lines (Line ID), connected with “naioxi”.”apanthsh_m” smallint
“eidhpar”.”Paradosh” Recipients (Line ID), connected with “naioxi”.”apanthsh_p” smallint
“eidhpar”.”Antigrafa” Copies smallint
“eidhpar”.”doccopytitles” Titles of copies varchar(40)
“eidhpar”.”Ektypvths” Printer varchar(100)
“eidhpar”.”Arxeio” Form varchar(100)
“eidhpar”.”troposplhrvmhs” Payment (Line ID), connected with “diakanonismo”.”Aa” integer
“eidhpar”.”shmansh” Digital signage (Line ID), connected with “naioxi”.”apanthsh_m” smallint
“eidhpar”.”tax_id” Signage document number smallint
“eidhpar”.”foros” Amount deductible (Line ID), connected with “naioxi”.”apanthsh_e” smallint
“eidhpar”.”seiriakoi” Serial numbers (Line ID), connected with “naioxi”.”apanthsh_m” smallint
“eidhpar”.”lhjeis” Special fields (binary) smallint
“eidhpar”.”specialfieldstitles” Special fields titles varchar(100)
“eidhpar”.”accountingcode” Accounting code char(3)
“eidhpar”.”accountingnumber” Accounting number char(30)
“eidhpar”.”sygkentrvtikes” Aggregated (Line ID), connected with “naioxi”.”apanthsh_t” smallint
“eidhpar”.”timokatalogos” Price list varchar(15)
“eidhpar”.”related_products” Combinations of products/services (Line ID), connected with “naioxi”.”apanthsh_rp” smallint
“eidhpar”.”emptyexpirationtext” If expiration <2001 varchar(30)
“eidhpar”.”customsql” run SQL memo
“eidhpar”.”order” Order integer
“eidhpar”.”einvoicing” e-Invoicing (Κωδικός γραμμής) smallint
“eidhpar”.”tax_docs” Document myDATA varchar(12)
“eidhpar”.”tax_category” Category myDATA varchar(12)
“eidhpar”.”tax_type” Type myDATA varchar(10)
Table “diakanonismos”
“diakanonismos”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“diakanonismos”.”Perigrafh” Title varchar(30)
“diakanonismos”.”other_payment_title” Additional payment metho varchar(30)
“diakanonismos”.”Ejoflhuh” Ejoflhuh smallint
“diakanonismos”.”order” Order smallint
“diakanonismos”.”accountingcode” Accounting code varchar(3)
“diakanonismos”.”accountingnumber” Accounting number varchar(30)
“diakanonismos”.”days_notify” Waiting days smallint
“diakanonismos”.”tax_payment” Payment myDATA smallint
“diakanonismos”.”tameio” Cash register code integer
Table “tameia”
“tameia”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“tameia”.”Tameio” Cashier varchar(30)
“tameia”.”sxetiko” Related cashier/position (Line ID) integer
“tameia”.”ekdosh” Version (Line ID) smallint
“tameia”.”order” Order smallint
Table “grammes”
It contains the documents lines.
“grammes”.”Posothta” Quantity float
“grammes”.”Timh” Net unit price float
“grammes”.”fpa_” VAT % float
“grammes”.”Ekptvsh” Discount % float
“grammes”.”Eidos” Item (Line ID), connected with “apouhkh”.”Aa” integer
“grammes”.”Aapar” Document (Line ID), connected with “pvlhseis”.”Aa” integer
“grammes”.”Monada” Mesurement unit (Line ID), connected with “monada”.”Aa” smallint
“grammes”.”PerigrafhEidoys” Description varchar(100)
“grammes”.”KvdikosEidoys” ID/Barcode varchar(50)
“grammes”.”Aa” (Line ID) integer – Primary key
“grammes”.”order” Order integer
“grammes”.”action” Action, [0,1,2] shows the status of the item line in a document. It is used for delivery orders. When its value is “1”, the order has already been printed. When double click in order to reprint it becomes “0”. smallint
“grammes”.”type” Type, [1,2] 1. Parent 2. Combined (Child) smallint
“grammes”.”related” Related line integer
Table “seiriakoi”
“seiriakoi”.”Eidos” Item (Line ID) integer
“seiriakoi”.”Grammh” Document line (Line ID) integer
“seiriakoi”.”Serial” Serial varchar(20)
“seiriakoi”.”Kinhsh” Action (Line ID) smallint
“seiriakoi”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
Table “rantevou”
Contains reminders and appointments.
“rantevou”.”Hmeromhnia” Date timestamp
“rantevou”.”Ews” to timestamp
“rantevou”.”Sxolio” Notes memo
“rantevou”.”Pelaths” Customer (Line ID), connected with “pelates”.”Aa” integer
“rantevou”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“rantevou”.”Alarm” Reminder timestamp
“rantevou”.”Ok” Appointment type (Line ID), connected with “typosrantevou”.”Aa” smallint
“rantevou”.”Xrhsths” User (Line ID), connected with “Xrhstes”.”Aa” integer
“rantevou”.”Pros” To user (Line ID), connected with “Xrhstes”.”Aa” integer
“rantevou”.”Eggrafh” Saved timestamp
“rantevou”.”Repeat” Repeat varchar(100)
“rantevou”.”mintime” Start timestamp
“rantevou”.”maxtime” Expiration timestamp
“rantevou”.”modified” Modification timestamp
“rantevou”.”contact1″ Contact 1 (Line ID), connected with “pelates”.”Aa” integer
“rantevou”.”contact2″ Contact 2 (Line ID), connected with “pelates”.”Aa” integer
“rantevou”.”contact3″ Contact 3 (Line ID), connected with “pelates”.”Aa” integer
“rantevou”.”contact4″ Contact 4 (Line ID), connected with “pelates”.”Aa” integer
“rantevou”.”contact5″ Contact 5 (Line ID), connected with “pelates”.”Aa” integer
“rantevou”.”contact6″ Contact 6 (Line ID), connected with “pelates”.”Aa” integer
“rantevou”.”contact7″ Contact 7 (Line ID), connected with “pelates”.”Aa” integer
“rantevou”.”contact8″ Contact 8 (Line ID), connected with “pelates”.”Aa” integer
“rantevou”.”contact9″ Contact 9 (Line ID), connected with “pelates”.”Aa” integer
“rantevou”.”contact10″ Contact 10 (Line ID), connected with “pelates”.”Aa” integer
Table “biblio”
“biblio”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“biblio”.”Esoda1″ Net revenues float
“biblio”.”Esoda2″ Gross revenue float
“biblio”.”Ejoda1″ Net expenses float
“biblio”.”Ejoda2″ Gross expenses float
“biblio”.”Hmeromhnia” Date date
Table “kinhseis”
Each line of the “grammes” can optionally be linked to 1 line of the “kinhseis” table containing the specific fields found in the Settings->Purchases/sales->Documents.
“kinhseis”.”Grammh” Document line (Line ID), connected with “grammes”.”Aa” integer
“kinhseis”.”Uesh” Position varchar(10)
“kinhseis”.”Sxetiko” Not used integer
“kinhseis”.”Baros” Weight float
“kinhseis”.”Embado” Area float
“kinhseis”.”Ogkos” Volume float
“kinhseis”.”Merida” Portion varchar(30)
“kinhseis”.”Stixos” Move varchar(30)
“kinhseis”.”Ajia” Price float
“kinhseis”.”Y” Height float
“kinhseis”.”P” Width float
“kinhseis”.”B” Weight float
“kinhseis”.”aapar” Document (Line ID), connected with “pvlhseis”.”Aa” integer
“kinhseis”.”Enarjh” Start timestamp
“kinhseis”.”Lhjh” Expiration timestamp
“kinhseis”.”monada” Measurement unit 1 smallint
“kinhseis”.”posothta” Quantity 1 float
“kinhseis”.”measureunit” Measurement unit 2 smallint
“kinhseis”.”quantity” Quantity 2 float
Table “tropos”
“tropos”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“tropos”.”Titlos” Title varchar(50)
“tropos”.”courier” Courier varchar(10)
“tropos”.”senderid” Sender ID varchar(50)
“tropos”.”courieruser” Connection user varchar(50)
“tropos”.”courierpass” Connection password varchar(50)
“tropos”.”cpuser” User varchar(50)
“tropos”.”cppass” Code/ID varchar(50)
“tropos”.”order” Order integer
Table “skopos”
“skopos”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“skopos”.”Titlos” Title varchar(15)
“skopos”.”order” Order integer
Table “xrhstes”
“xrhstes”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“xrhstes”.”Onoma” Username varchar(10)
“xrhstes”.”Kvdikos” Password varchar(10)
“xrhstes”.”Email” Email varchar(40)
“xrhstes”.”Dikaivmata” Rights (Line ID) smallint
“xrhstes”.”Pelaths” Customer (Line ID) integer
“xrhstes”.”pososto” Commision % float
“xrhstes”.”Ekptvseis” Commision rates (Line ID) smallint
Table “dikaivmata”
“dikaivmata”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“dikaivmata”.”Titlos” Title varchar(20)
“dikaivmata”.”Pelates” Customers (Line ID) smallint
“dikaivmata”.”Apouhkh” Products (Line ID) smallint
“dikaivmata”.”Pvlhseis” Sales (Line ID) smallint
“dikaivmata”.”Esodaejoda” Revenues/Expenses (Line ID) smallint
“dikaivmata”.”Rantevou” Appointment (Line ID) smallint
“dikaivmata”.”Hotel” Hotel (Κωδικός γραμμής) smallint
“dikaivmata”.”Ryumiseis” Settings (Line ID) smallint
“dikaivmata”.”hide_cust_relations” Hide customers with relation varchar(15)
“dikaivmata”.”modifyview” Modify view (Line ID) smallint
“dikaivmata”.”hidetotals” Hide totals (Line ID) smallint
“dikaivmata”.”noprint” Disable print import export (Line ID) smallint
“dikaivmata”.”hidedoctotals” Hide documents lists totals (Line ID) smallint
“dikaivmata”.”oneday” 1 day list of documents (Line ID) smallint
“dikaivmata”.”hidepurchases” Hide purchases (Line ID) smallint
“dikaivmata”.”hideshifttotals” Hide shift totals (Line ID) smallint
“dikaivmata”.”doc_line” Lock on sales (Line ID) smallint
“dikaivmata”.”limit_docs” Documents that the user is allowed to view varchar(50)
Table “ekptvseis”
“ekptvseis”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“ekptvseis”.”Titlos” Title varchar(20)
“ekptvseis”.”Pososto” Percent float
“ekptvseis”.”Poso” Amount float
“ekptvseis”.”calc” calc smallint
“ekptvseis”.”modified” Modification timestamp
“ekptvseis”.”from_time” From time time
“ekptvseis”.”to_time” To time time
“ekptvseis”.”from_date” From date date
“ekptvseis”.”to_date” To date date
Table “ekptvseisgrammes”
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”Ekptvseis” Price list (Line ID) smallint
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”Pososto” Percent float
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”fixed” By price (Line ID) smallint
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”fixedprice” Net price float
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”Poso” Amount float
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”Omada” Subcategory (Line ID) smallint
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”Kathgoria” Category (Line ID) smallint
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”Eidos” Item (Line ID) integer
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”calc” Show percent % (Line ID) smallint
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”modified” Modification timestamp
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”from_time” From time time
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”to_time” To time time
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”from_date” From date date
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”to_date” To date date
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”quantityfrom” Quantity from float
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”quantityto” Quantity to float
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”customfield” Custom field (Line ID) smallint
“ekptvseisgrammes”.”customfieldvalue” Custom field value varchar(100)
Table “dromologhsh”
“dromologhsh”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“dromologhsh”.”Kathgoria” Category (Line ID) integer
“dromologhsh”.”Omada” Subcategory (Line ID) integer
“dromologhsh”.”Xvros” Place (Line ID) smallint
“dromologhsh”.”eidos” ID/Barcode varchar(100)
Table “dromologhshxvroi”
“dromologhshxvroi”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“dromologhshxvroi”.”Titlos” Title varchar(30)
“dromologhshxvroi”.”Arxeio” File varchar(100)
“dromologhshxvroi”.”Ektypvths” Printer varchar(100)
“dromologhshxvroi”.”Antigrafa” Copies integer
“dromologhshxvroi”.”barcode” Print barcode (Line ID) smallint
Table “apouhkh_times”
“apouhkh_times”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“apouhkh_times”.”Titlos” Prices varchar(100)
“apouhkh_times”.”Pedio” Fields (Line ID) integer
Table “apouhkh_pedia”
“apouhkh_pedia”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“apouhkh_pedia”.”Titlos” Title varchar(100)
“apouhkh_pedia”.”indexkey” Type (Line ID) smallint
Table “xvroi”
“xvroi”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“xvroi”.”Titlos” Place varchar(20)
“xvroi”.”Vres” Hours memo
“xvroi”.”Ueseis” Positions memo
“xvroi”.”Aapar” Document (Line ID) smallint
“xvroi”.”RefundID” Refund document (Line ID) smallint
“xvroi”.”order” Doc.Series smallint
Table “poleis”
“poleis”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“poleis”.”Onomasia” City varchar(30)
“poleis”.”modified” Modification timestamp
“poleis”.”country” Abbreviation varchar(4)
Table “omades”
“omades”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“omades”.”Kathgoria” Category code smallint
“omades”.”Omada” Subcategory varchar(200)
“omades”.”order” Order integer
“omades”.”accountingcode” Accounting code varchar(3)
“omades”.”accountingnumber” Accounting number varchar(30)
“omades”.”modified” Modification timestamp
“omades”.”scalecat” Scale category integer
“omades”.”buttonwidth” Items buttons width integer
“omades”.”per_item” Select subcategories smallint
Table “timhapokvdiko”
“timhapokvdiko”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“timhapokvdiko”.”ProuemaKvdikou” ID/barcode prefix varchar(20)
“timhapokvdiko”.”XarakthresKvdikou” ID/barcode digits smallint
“timhapokvdiko”.”AjiaApo” Price position smallint
“timhapokvdiko”.”XarakthresAjias” Price digits smallint
“timhapokvdiko”.”DekadikaAjias” Price decimals smallint
“timhapokvdiko”.”PosothtaApoKvdiko” type (Line ID) smallint
“timhapokvdiko”.”Seposothta” In quantity (Line ID) smallint
“timhapokvdiko”.”Zygaria” Action (Line ID) smallint
Table “typosrantevou”
“typosrantevou”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“typosrantevou”.”Titlos” Title varchar(40)
“typosrantevou”.”Color” Color integer
Table “kathgories”
“kathgories”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“kathgories”.”Kathgoria” Category varchar(50)
“kathgories”.”modified” Modification timestamp
“kathgories”.”order” Order integer
Table “settings”
“settings”.”pc” File varchar(50)
“settings”.”root” Section varchar(30)
“settings”.”key” Key varchar(30)
“settings”.”initext” Value memo
“settings”.”user” User (Line ID) integer
Table “usage”
“usage”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“usage”.”Amount” Drawer. The cash that is in the workstation. Recorded only at the start and end of the shift float
“usage”.”UserID” User (Line ID) smallint
“usage”.”Action” Action (Line ID) [null,0,1] We set the value “0” for shift start and “1” for shift end. Null for the remaining entries smallint
“usage”.”modified” Modification timestamp
“usage”.”pass” Status [null,0,1] Value “1” on all completed shift movements, “2” on all pending shift movements. Null is the shift start movement which becomes 1 when completed smallint
“usage”.”pcuser” Windows user varchar(50)
Table “relatedproducts”
“relatedproducts”.”BaseAa” Item (Line ID) integer
“relatedproducts”.”RelatedAa” Related item (Line ID) integer
“relatedproducts”.”Quantity” Quantity float
“relatedproducts”.”show” Appearance smallint
“relatedproducts”.”totalsaleprice” Retail price float
“relatedproducts”.”totalpurchaseprice” Net price float
Table “oxhmata”
“oxhmata”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“oxhmata”.”Pinakida” License plate varchar(10)
“oxhmata”.”Marka” Make varchar(15)
“oxhmata”.”Y” Height float
“oxhmata”.”P” Width float
“oxhmata”.”B” Depth float
“oxhmata”.”Ogkos” Volume float
“oxhmata”.”Embado” Area float
“oxhmata”.”Baros” Weight float
“oxhmata”.”engineid” Engine ID varchar(30)
“oxhmata”.”frameid” Frame ID varchar(30)
“oxhmata”.”color” Color varchar(30)
“oxhmata”.”vehicledate” Date date
“oxhmata”.”power” Power varchar(30)
“oxhmata”.”fuel” Fuel varchar(30)
“oxhmata”.”type” Type varchar(30)
“oxhmata”.”model” Model varchar(30)
“oxhmata”.”modified” Modification timestamp
Table “subcategories_relations”
“subcategories_relations”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“subcategories_relations”.”product_id” Item (Line ID) integer
“subcategories_relations”.”parent_subcat” Subcategory of parent (Line ID) integer
“subcategories_relations”.”order” Doc.Series integer
“subcategories_relations”.”subcat” Subcategory (Line ID) integer
“subcategories_relations”.”modified” Modification timestamp
Table “barcodes”
“barcodes”.”product_id” Item (Line ID) integer
“barcodes”.”barcode” Barcode varchar(30)
“barcodes”.”quantity” Quantity float
“barcodes”.”modified” Modification timestamp
Table “history”
“history”.”id” Corresponding table (Line ID) integer
“history”.”type” Type (Line ID) smallint
“history”.”modified” Date timestamp
“history”.”text” Details memo
“history”.”user” User (Line ID) smallint
“history”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
Table “custom_buttons”
“custom_buttons”.”Aa” Line ID integer – Primary key
“custom_buttons”.”type” Type (Line ID) smallint
“custom_buttons”.”description” Description varchar(30)
“custom_buttons”.”link” Link varchar(200)
“custom_buttons”.”icon” Prefix varchar(200)
“custom_buttons”.”order” Icon integer