Reports are easily created using the SQL language and some EMDI commands embedded in comments.
Variables you can include in your SQL code:
(used in the where command)
:apo | date from |
:ews | date until |
Reference description | 1st parameter from running accounts |
Reference code | 2nd parameter from running accounts |
:param1 | 3rd parameter from running accounts. Between quotes if it is string |
:param2 | 4th parameter from running accounts. Between quotes if it is string |
:search | search for forms that have search checked. Between quotes if it is string |
:orderby | is added instead of the order by command for sorting |
:loydoc | points document number |
:loypro | points item code |
:loypay | redemption item code |
:orderdoc | abbreviation of the document that appears in related |
:orderdid | document line id based on abbreviation of the document |
–nodecimals– | unlimited decimals |
–combo– | drop down list |
Fields in SQL code
(used in the select command)
doc | the sales line number “Aa” (create a button that opens sales on the corresponding document) |
cus | the customer line number “Aa” (create a button that opens the corresponding customer) |
pro | the product line number “Aa” (create a button that opens the corresponding item) |
prd | the product line number “Aa” (create a button that opens the documents of the corresponding item) |
ksq | its result is used in the update script (creating a button that opens an editor for data processing) |
eml | e-mail to send|Name|Value|e-invoice link|Voucher number (create button that sends e-mail) |
sms | mobile to send|Name|Value|E-invoice link|Voucher number (create button that sends sms) |
img | Photo |
NEXT VALUE FOR “gen_counter” | the line number |
Update script
:ksq | value executed in the code with quotes |
:ksp | value executed in the code without quotes |
It is possible to run up to 2 scripts separated by a semicolon “;”.
In example 1, we can edit and save the fields of the selected customer. Importantly, a key field named “Aa” must always be included.
Example 1:
1 |
select * from "pelates" where "Kvdikos"=:ksq |
Example 2 consists of 2 scripts. First a new line is created, if it doesn’t already exist, in the table “kinhseis” and then we choose to show from the same table 2 fields, “Order stage” and “Notes”. We also use the key field as in this case “Aa” (“kinhseis”.”Grammh”).
Example 2:
1 2 |
UPDATE OR INSERT INTO "kinhseis" ("kinhseis"."Grammh","kinhseis"."aapar") values (:ksq,(select first 1 "grammes"."Aapar" from "grammes" where "grammes"."Aa"=:ksq)); select "kinhseis"."Uesh" "Order stage","kinhseis"."Grammh" "Aa","kinhseis"."custom1" "Notes" from "kinhseis" where "kinhseis"."Grammh"=:ksq |
If there is an update query as the first, then it is executed before the user’s selection. If it is set second, then it is executed after the user selection.
Open external application
We use the “editing field” to define a list of options in a field we want.
In “field options” we write, separated by commas, the options we want the list to have. It is not mandatory.
We use the “read field” to get the contents of a field of our choice. It is not mandatory.
Using the “link” field we can call an external application.
When the link calls a web address we use the variables:
#VL1 | processing field |
#VL2 | reading field |
For example:
1 | |
In case we call a local program we don’t need to use variables because they are defined as 1st and 2nd parameters respectively.
For example:
1 |
C:\Program Files (x86)\company\mysoftware.exe |
EMDI commands
The first line can include some EMDI commands as a SQL comment and is automatically generated every time you make a change.
1 |
--search-searchtitle-asearch-searchtitle-graph x-xx-graph y-yy-graph labels-xxlabel-from-fromvalue-to-tovalue-step-stepvalue |
It contains all the settings we make for a report.
For example, if you want to create a graph, then you fill in where xx the field for the x-axis, yy the field for the y-axis and xxlabel the field for the title of the x-axis.
For line numbering we use the following variable after select:
1 2 |
select NEXT VALUE FOR "gen_counter" AS "Row #", ... |
To give color we can define a variable that takes some values (up to 9) separated by a comma, e.g.:
The color that the line gets respectively is:
Expanding list
It is possible to activate a list of options. Each option inserts a code into the –combo– variable, which reads it from a corresponding file with a psql extension.
In the following example we create 2 options, DELIVERY and RESERVED
1 |
sql1.psql|DELIVERY,sql2.psql|RESERVED |
When the user selects DELIVERY then the content of the sql1.psql file is inserted in place of the –combo– variable.
Example psql file
1 |
where "color"=2 |
or any sql code we want to combine with our main code.
We save the psql files in the same folder as the reports.
We can define which users, based on permissions, can run a report. In the “Rights” field we write the title of rights belonging to the users who will have access to the report.
For many titles we separate with a comma.
Blank field for no restriction.
Additional functions in SQL (functions)
Get field from delimited text:
1 |
SPLIT_STRING('test1;test2;test3',';',2) |
Result: test2
Convert text to number with decimals
1 |
STRING_TO_FLOAT('152,33') |
Result: 152,33
1 |
STRING_TO_FLOAT('152.33') |
Result: 152,33
Convert text to number without decimals
1 |
Result: <null>
1 |
STRING_TO_FLOAT('152.33') |
Result: 152
* Note: To run multiple queries, type -## at the beginning of the code.