You can open a report by sending information about what you want to appear, from a parameter:
- Reference title
- Reference code (no longer used)
- param1 (more information)
- param2 (more information)
- Date from (format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS – If empty finds the original)
1C:\Program Files (x86)\SBZ systems\EMDI\accounts.exe "18.Loyalties ανά πελάτη" " " " " " " "20151010205000" " " " " " "
If no date is found (characters are less than 14) then if the number is negative it is days before today
1C:\Program Files (x86)\SBZ systems\EMDI\accounts.exe "18.Loyalties ανά πελάτη" " " " " " " "-12" " " " " " "
otherwise defined as follows:
0. Always
1. Today
2. Yesterday
3. Day before yesterday
4. Current month
5. Previous month
6. Current year
7. The same month last year
8. Perisy
9. 1st trimester
10. 2nd trimester
11. 3rd trimester
12. 4th quarter
13. 1st quarter last year
14. Q2 last year
15. Q3 last year
16. Q4 last year
1C:\Program Files (x86)\SBZ systems\EMDI\accounts.exe "18.Loyalties per customer" " " " " " " "2" " " " " " " - Date to (in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS – If empty, defines today)
1C:\Program Files (x86)\SBZ systems\EMDI\accounts.exe "18.Loyalties per customer" " " " " " " "20151010205000" "20151020205000" " " " "
If no date is found (characters are less than 14) then the number is days before if negative or after today if positive
1C:\Program Files (x86)\SBZ systems\EMDI\accounts.exe "18.Loyalties per customer" " " " " " " "-12" "3" " " " " - Empty
- To print automatically, to the default windows printer, and exit, “1”. To save we write the name of the file with the full path. Example:
1C:\Program Files (x86)\SBZ systems\EMDI\accounts.exe "18.Loyalties per customer" " " " " " " "20151010205000" "20151020205000" " " "C:\Users\user\Desktop\test.xml"
If we want to be asked for a value we write “11” to set param1, “12” for param2 or “1112” for both. In this case, the text of param1 or param2 is entered as the title of the input message.
When the query returns no results, such as update, insert, etc. then we set the value “10” to close the application after the query is executed. Example:
1C:\Program Files (x86)\SBZ systems\accounts.exe "100.UPDATE PRICELIST" " " "Code";"Percent" " " " " " " "1112"