Automated installation on Ubuntu 16.04



How to disable spamfilter- and antivirus functions in ISPConfig 3

If you use a mailserver wil very low ram (< 500 MB) and a slow CPU then it might be nescessary to disable the spam- and antivirus filter functions in ISPConfig 3 as amavisd and clamav might be too heavy for your server hardware. The steps to disable clamav and amavisd are:

Edit postfix file

and comment out these lines by adding a “#” in front of them:

also fill:

Then restart postfix:

Now stop and disable the services. The following commands are for Debian and Ubuntu, the commands for other Linux distributions may vary



DNS records

Finally don’t forget to create these 3 DNS records:

  1. Reverse DNS (PTR)
  2. SPF (Sender Policy Framework)
  3. DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)

Check here